[officeholders] Welcome to California Green Officeholders Network/Info About Next GA/Introductions

Alex Shantz alexshantz at gmail.com
Tue Nov 11 16:15:46 PST 2014

Hello Green Party officeholders,

First, congratulations to those of you who recently won their seats in
local races this November. And, welcome everyone to the California Green
Officeholders Network.

The purpose of this network is to facilitate present and past California
Green officeholders to share policy perspectives and governing experience
with each other, and the rest of the party.

As Green officeholders, our role in the party is vital.

We are in a position to demonstrate to the pundits, other elected
officeholders, the boarder electorate, and everyone else that Greens can
govern credibly and effectively. We have the unique ability to prove that
Green public policies work and can help solve the largest social and
political problems in our communities. And, we are the ones, through our
tirelessly work as public servants, that can make the best case for
comprehensive electoral reform.

After all, if we as Greens are able to govern effectively on a local level,
why should our political system virtually exclude us from higher office....

I wanted to make sure everyone was aware that the next Green Party of
California (GPCA)  General Assembly will occur in Monterey from January
24th-25th. The General Assembly is the primary decision-making body of the
GPCA and consists of delegates from each active county organization
recognized by the GPCA.

The General Assembly agenda will include an item to discuss electoral
strategy for moving our party forward. The format is still being worked
out, but we plan on inviting some of our Green officeholders to participate
in this electoral strategy discussion. Please, keep this in mind and please
consider attending. Stay tuned for more details.

More information about the General Assembly:

Lastly, feel free to introduce yourselves to everyone. Who are you? What
office do you hold? Any experiences or stories you want to share as an
officeholder or candidate for office?

I look forward to getting to know all of you and creating a vibrant network!


*Alex Shantz*, Board of Trustees, St. Helena Unified School District, Napa
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