[Sosfbay-discuss] Excuse Me for Talking Like a Cynical Politician But ...

alexcathy at aol.com alexcathy at aol.com
Mon Nov 7 14:15:20 PST 2005

Dear Green Friends,

I saw an opinion poll saying that more than 60% of Californians believe 
there should be campaign reform, but less than 50% agree with what 
Schwarzennegger is doing.

Excuse Me for Talking Like a Cynical Politician But ...

IF Arnold's Initiatives Win ...

THEN we should day it's a partisan power grab by Republicans and the 
clueless Democrats were unable or unwilling to stop it!

IF Arnold's Initiatives Loss ...

THEN we should say it's a partisan power grab by Democrats and the 
clueless Republicans were unable or unwilling to stop it!

I know that makes me sound cynical, but what's REALLY cynical is the 
behavior of the Democrats and the Republicans.

Arnold's "reformers" say they are against public employee unions 
wielding too much power.  But have you noticed they never rail against 
the public employee unions they like, e.g., those damned prison guards? 
  I recall a few times the unions were on the same side with the "Bad 
Guys" on some environmental issues, but of course, the rightwingers are 
never gonna bring that up.

Arnold's "reformers" say they are against "politicians picking their 
voters" in gerrymandered legislative districts.  But have you noticed 
the only "for examples" they bring up involve bad behavior by 
Democrats.  We've heard the story about Democrat Howard Berman's 28th 
district being gerrymandered to reduce the Latino vote, but not a 
single "reformer" has mentioned the gerrymandering of Assembly 
districts around here to reduce the Asian-American vote.  We've heard 
the story about Democrat Lois Capps skinny 23rd District, but not a 
single "reformer" has mentioned Republican Richard Pombo's 11th 
district wandering all over West Hell in search of enough "Angry White 
Male" votes to elect a Republican.

 From a strictly selfish. partisan point-of-view, we should hope that 
Prop 77 passes.  Imagine the chaos if those two sets of gangsters 
really tried to do redistricting in time for the 2006 elections.  My 
20th Assembly District Representative, ALBERTO TORRICO, is just 
finishing a very unimpressive first term.  If his district boundaries 
got joggled even a little bit he'd be in trouble.
If by some miracle, my Milpitas was moved into Joe Coto's 23rd 
District... well... there would be fireworks!

California voters have gone to the polls in 2002, 2003, 2004, and now 
2005.  That's not counting primary elections, local referenda on bonds 
and taxes, and contentious local election fights in San Francisco, San 
Jose, and Oakland.  I am winning to bet that a lot of Californians are 
just sick and tired of Democrats and Republicans shouting at each 
other.  Even though, as you all well know, I like to do a little 
shouting myself, with a little practice I could be reeducated to be as 
mellow as Warner Bloomberg or Tian Harter.

On second thought, I'll never be as mellow as Tian Harter.

Alex Walker

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