[Sosfbay-discuss] Stem Cell Research

Wes Rolley wrolley at charter.net
Sat Oct 8 09:41:36 PDT 2005

There are three view of California's progress with stem cell research.

The first was the "glowing future" promise of the bond issue proponents when the
voters of California approved it.  We might all wonder what will really happen
when it comes time to divide up that money.  We know already that a significant
amount will have to be spent on legal fees surrounding religious conviction
motivated attempts to block the actual spending of that money.

The Mercury News September 30 provides fairly factual coverage of the latest
conference and asks some basic important questions in text, but it does not
follow through with the information flow that they "link" to.


The fact that they missed an opportunity to highlight some of the issues seems
to confirm the worries of Joe Tayag, quoted there.  Tayag is associated with
The Greenlining Institute in Berkeley.  Their concerns, especially about
diseases that disproportionately strike people of color, are well documented here:


While we all worring about everything that is going on and Hurricanes, Kartrina,
Rita, Stan (200 dead in Mexico and Central America), the Pakistani Earthquake
fill our news with tragedy and BIG ISSUES like whether Robers and Meirs will be
good justices demand our attention, some very fundamental questions are being
resolved here in California without a lot of attention or even issue based
coverage.  (We do get "event" based coverage.)

I would love to see the Green Party of California issue a press release
supporting the Greenlining Institute position on this very important question.


"I find I have a great lot to learn – or unlearn. I seem to know far too much
and this knowledge obscures the really significant facts, but I am getting on."
-- Charles Rennie Mackintosh

Wesley C. Rolley
17211 Quail Court
Morgan Hill, CA 95037

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