[Sosfbay-discuss] Faces of Homelessness event in Sunnyvale

Wes Rolley wrolley at charter.net
Sun Oct 23 11:58:43 PDT 2005

>  			  Faces of Homelessness

This is a good example of the local focus that I strongly belive is necessary to 
BE the Green Party. It is all well and good to get caught up in supporting 
Cindy, or any other general progressive question.  But that is not what 
separates the Green party from the rest. If that is ALL we do, then we might as 
well register Democratic.

I posted a specific criticism of what we are NOT doing on the Green Issues 
Working Group list.  A (slightly edited) copy of that can be read at 

I would rather see 10 Greens actively involved in doing something about 
homelessness than seeing 100 Greens at yet another anti-war protest.


"I find I have a great lot to learn – or unlearn. I seem to know far too much 
and this knowledge obscures the really significant facts, but I am getting on." 
-- Charles Rennie Mackintosh

Wesley C. Rolley
17211 Quail Court
Morgan Hill, CA 95037

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