[Sosfbay-discuss] "Dare to Win"

Bob Alavi baalavi at yahoo.com
Thu Apr 6 11:21:39 PDT 2006

If someone has an answer to the question:  "How does the concept of *safe state* relate to 10 Key Values", I appreciate hearing it.
  I can't quote Cobb, but I too went to his lunchtime presentation  on the Campus of Stanford in 2004.  Then, at least I came off feeling that he did support something like a "safe state". 

Tian Harter <tnharter at greens.org> wrote:
  Cameron L. Spitzer wrote:

>It seems to me that's pretty close to proof by default
>that the Cobb campaign didn't actually pursue the
>"safe states" strategy that the corporate media
>*projected* onto it. It's one of those things
>that "everybody knows" that just isn't true.
>And the belief has done more damage to our party and
>movement than anything since the GPUSA chicanery.
I think that safe states strategy was a brainchild of
John Rensenbrink of Maine. He's good enough at
putting a message out that people took up the call.
There was plenty of demand for the idea.

When he spoke in San Jose, David Cobb said
something like "I haven't voiced support for that
strategy since last year but it's still following me
around." It's very hard for a candidate with little
access to the public eye to change perceptions.

I myself told quite a few people that Cobb was
running a safe states campaign. Sorry about that...


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