[Sosfbay-discuss] "Dare to Win"

Tian Harter tnharter at greens.org
Thu Apr 6 10:55:11 PDT 2006

Cameron L. Spitzer wrote:

>>From: Andrea Dorey <andid at cagreens.org>
>>Date: Wed, 5 Apr 2006 18:28:17 -0700
>>To: Green South Bay Discussion <sosfbay-discuss at cagreens.org>
>>Subject: Re: [Sosfbay-discuss] "Dare to Win"
>>At the risk of repeating myself, anyone who runs with the admonition  
>>that he will not run in any state (county, city) that a well-known  
>>major party does not have a big lead over the other major party, does  
>>*not* "dare to win," and is costing his party its credibility.  We  
>>got the government we deserve, if we're really honest about it.
>I often hear an allegation that David Cobb ran only in
>"safe" states, or at least said that's what he was gonna do.
>The facts don't support that allegation, though.
>As far as I know, David was talked out of that "strategy"
>at the 2003 convention in DC, along with almost all of its
>proponents at the time, and he campaigned in every
>state where he was on the ballot.
>I've been asking the people who make that allegation
>for a verifiable quote in a news story in a real
>newspaper, or perhaps a video interview that wasn't
>cut down to short phrases and reassembled for broadcast.
>It's been a couple of years now and they
>still haven't produced one.  Not one.  The closest they can
>get is a dramatized opinion piece on MSNBC's Web site.
>It seems to me that's pretty close to proof by default
>that the Cobb campaign didn't actually pursue the
>"safe states" strategy that the corporate media
>*projected* onto it.  It's one of those things
>that "everybody knows" that just isn't true.
>And the belief has done more damage to our party and
>movement than anything since the GPUSA chicanery.
I think that safe states strategy was a brainchild of
John Rensenbrink of Maine. He's good enough at
putting a message out that people took up the call.
There was plenty of demand for the idea.

When he spoke in San Jose, David Cobb said
something like "I haven't voiced support for that
strategy since last year but it's still following me
around." It's very hard for a candidate with little
access to the public eye to change perceptions.

I myself told quite a few people that Cobb was
running a safe states campaign. Sorry about that...

I'm seeking endorsements for my campaign. Please let me know if
you want your name on my list! I would be honored to add you..
Tian Harter for Senate, P.O. Box 391854, Mtn View CA 94039-1854 

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