[Sosfbay-discuss] Sun Aug 6, Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab! Wed Aug 9, Bechtel!

Tian Harter tnharter at ispwest.com
Tue Aug 1 22:56:55 PDT 2006

Anybody want to carpool to this?

No Nukes! No Wars! Support Indigenous Rights!
** Sun ** Aug 6 ** 8:00 AM **
** Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab **

** SPEAKERS for August 6 **
NORMAN SOLOMON, nationally-syndicated media critic
Keiji Tsuchiya, Hiroshima atomic bomb survivor
DANIEL ELLSBERG, outspoken official who leaked the
Pentagon Papers
Marylia Kelley, executive director of Tri-Valley CAREs
Jackie Cabasso, executive director of Western States
Legal Foundation
David Seaborg, son of Nobel Prize scientist who
discovered plutonium

On August 6th and 9th, the 61st anniversaries of the
U.S. atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, demand
an end to the war in Iraq, no military attacks on Iran
or North Korea, and the global abolition of
nuclear weapons, starting at home. On the 6th we will
converge at Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab; on the 9th
at Bechtel in downtown San Francisco.


Ceremony and Nonviolent Action at Livermore Nuclear
Weapons Lab

It has been 61 years since the U.S. dropped an atomic
bomb on Hiroshima, and another nuclear tragedy looms
dangerously close. With the Bush Administration's
policy of creating lower yield, more "usable" nuclear
weapons, now is a more important time than ever in
calling for the abolition of all weapons of mass
destruction and war.

WHEN: Sunday, August 6 gather at 8 AM; march at 9 AM

WHERE: Livermore Nuclear Weapons Lab, Vasco Rd &
Patterson Pass Rd, Livermore, CA. Take 580, exit south
at Vasco.

WHAT: A morning of protest and action, featuring a
Japanese Hibakusha—an atomic bomb survivor—at one of
the principal nuclear weapons design labs in the
world, a mere 50 miles from San Francisco.

HOW: With your neighbors! Please fill every last seat
in your car, or ask your neighbor to drive you so you
can leave your car home. Share the ride to at

PEACE CAMP: Come join us on August 5 in Del Valle
Regional Park for the Livermore Peace Camp! Space is
limited, e-mail Butterfly at Lacy.com to reserve a spot.


Ceremony and Nonviolent Action at Bechtel Corporate
Headquarters in San Francisco

The anniversary of the U.S. bombing of Nagasaki,
August 9, is also the UN declared International Day of
the World's Indigenous Peoples. Since their earliest
stages, nuclear weapons and the people who profit from
them have caused untold suffering to indigenous
peoples around the world. Come and act with us to
voice our support for the sovereignty 
and dignity of indigenous peoples and call for an end
to nuclear weapons and war!

WHEN: Wednesday, August 9 at 10 AM
WHERE: Bechtel, 50 Beale St, San Francisco. Half a
block from Embarcadero BART.
WHAT: Join us for a morning of protest and a ceremony
led by Western Shoshone spiritual leader Corbin Harney
at Bechtel's Corporate Headquarters. Bechtel is one of
the top profiteers of the war in Iraq,
manages nearly every aspect of the nuclear weapons
cycle, and is known by communities worldwide for its
habitual violations of indigenous and human rights.

To sponsor either of these events, or to volunteer,
Tri-Valley CAREs (925) 443-7148
Western States Legal Foundation (510) 839-5877
International Indian Treaty Council (415) 641-4482
Livermore Conversion Project (510) 639-9095

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory is one of the
three national laboratories that act as the brain of
the U.S. nuclear weapons complex, which today is
modernizing and developing new nuclear weapons to 
support U.S. wars of empire.

Bechtel has recently partnered with the University of
California to manage the Los Alamos National
Laboratory, another key nuclear weapons facility, and
will most likely bid for Lawrence Livermore. Bechtel
is one of the world's top nuclear profiteers, built
upon an extensive history of abusing indigenous
populations for profit.

** WHY NOW? **
The culture of fear that surrounds nuclear weapons and
even their suspected presence creates war and
destruction. With respect to Iran enriching uranium,
President Bush has continually stated that, "All
options are on the table." The paranoia over the
possibility that Iran could develop a nuclear weapon a
decade from now should be turned inward. The U.S. is
even now designing new nuclear weapons in direct
violation of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
while hypocritically pushing for another illegal war
and possible nuclear strike against a sovereign
nation. On August 6^th and 9^th , we will take our
voices to the people who design and profit from human
suffering. We demand an end to U.S. nuclear weapons
development, production and testing. We demand an end
to wars of empire and an end to nuclear excuses for

In Iraq, they never found nuclear or other weapons of
mass destruction, yet the daily reality of death and
destruction rages on, sparked by the Bush
administration's invasion and fueled by the ongoing
U.S. military occupation. A majority of people in this
nation now oppose the war, but the White House and
most members of Congress are resisting the only
solution to the crisis: bring the troops home
immediately. We will send our message loud and clear
to decision-makers and the public at large: End the
war in Iraq, No war with Iran or North Korea, End the
threat of nuclear annihilation!


For more information, go to http://www.august6.org/bay_area

I went camping over the weekend. Looking at the stars, I 
got to thinking that reading words about them probably hits
the eye with way more light then they actually send us.

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