[Sosfbay-discuss] Right: Authoritarianism and "social dominance"

Gerry Gras gerrygras at earthlink.net
Sat Aug 12 13:46:08 PDT 2006

I found this article quit interesting:

"The Authoritarianism of Right-Wing Radio"

The writer has read a recent book by John Dean (the Watergate
John Dean), titled "Conservatives Without Conscience".
Apparently John Dean talks about modern "conservatives" in
terms of authoritarianism and "social dominance orientation".
For those who are familiar with George Lakoff, some of this
will be old, but some will be new.

Third paragraph:
     According to Dean, authoritarians see the world as a
     competition in which the strong and righteous prevail
     and prosper; failure is tantamount to weakness or
     unworthiness. These authoritarians believe the world is
     dangerous and threatening, and the best way to fight "evil"
     is through force. Social dominators, on the other hand,
     scoff at notions of equality and will move forward with
     little conscience or restraint. They don't believe much
     in right or wrong - it's more about what they can get away
     with. (If that seems harsh, notes Dean, this is not his
     view - it's how these people describe themselves when they
     undertake personality tests.)

I would like to understand this better, to see if it gives me
any new ideas about how to fight the right.  Maybe I'll get
the book.  But off hand, it seems that these guys can not be
reasoned with.  (Cameron was right in his earlier email about
how mathematical arguments won't work, and we are in a dark



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