[Sosfbay-discuss] Green Bikers

Cameron L. Spitzer cls at truffula.sj.ca.us
Mon Aug 14 10:01:16 PDT 2006

I had a 14-mile commute, Berryessa to west Sunnyvale,
and a 9-mile commute, Berryessa to north Santa Clara.
Dressed for cycling, with clipless pedals, touring frame,
racing tires.  Working hard, I could do those runs
at 17 or 18 miles per hour, including traffic stops.
Barely pedaling and coasting a lot, 13 miles per hour.
Twenty miles per hour is pretty fast on a bicycle and
I'd be rather surprised if a commuter could do it,
especially on the upright fat-tire mountain-hybrid bikes
most people use for commuting.

I rode down highway 9 from skyline into Los Gatos once
and may have hit 40 mph along the way.  Nearly melted
my brakes.  Scary as hell.


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