[Sosfbay-discuss] Draft minutes of 1/3/05 GPSCC Meeting - #1

Gerry Gras gerrygras at earthlink.net
Thu Jan 5 22:30:36 PST 2006

Here is the first draft mintues of the GPSCC meeting on
Tuesday, January 3rd.  Please review and make comments,
especially in case of error.  And look for omissions, I
have not taken notes in a while, these may be too sketchy.

Also, who was the timekeeper?  According to my notes it
was Jim Stauffer, but I remember someone else calling the
minutes remaining.

Also, I think that a list of attendees should be included.
Does anyone disagree?  (I have added the names I could
remember, but I would appreciate a list.)

Thank you,



Minutes of the January 3rd, 2006 of the Green Party of
Santa Clara County.

Agenda included at the end.

Location: Banjara Restaurant, Sunnyvale

Facilitator: Ed Blackman
Notetake: Gerry Gras
Timekeeper: ??
Vibeswatchers: Dana St. George, Tian Harter

Jim Doyle
Warner Bloomberg
Jim Stauffer
Cameron Spitzer
Ed Blackman
Dana St. George
Valerie Face
Carol Brouillet
Pamela Hughes
?? Hughes
Tian Harter
Mary Lyle
Gerry Gras

Meeting began at 7:40 PM.

1) Intro and Announcements

2) Revise and affirm agenda
     Jim Stauffer observed that there were many new faces
     and suggested we add one item: "Introduction to the
     Green Party".  This suggestion was accepted.

3) Introduction to Green Party
     - Jim Stauffer gave a description of decentralization
       and the relations between the local, state, and national
     - Jim Stauffer gave description of the consensus process
     - There was a general discussion about the 10KV.

4) 2006 Tabling
     - Jim Doyle recruited volunteers for Freedom Train
     - Warner Bloomberg spoke about the need for advance planning
       of all tabling for 2006.  Warner provided a list that he
       had thought of and asked for additional items.  The list
       was circulated around the room.
     - Jim Stauffer spoke about the need for repleneshing our
       supplies of literature and buttons.
     - Jim Doyle will order some literature.
[Was anything resolved about the buttons?]

5) Planning Meeting
     - The last GPSCC meeting agreed to ask the CC to arrange
       a planning meeting.

6) Bylaws re Regional Rep Election
     - Warner Bloomberg spoke about the possible need to modify
       the bylaws to be more specific about the process for
       selecting the Regional Rep and alternates.  Gerry Gras
       was given the task of contacting the GPSMC and starting
       a discussion about it.
     - Dana St. George and Gerry Gras provided some of the history
       of past concerns of the GPSMC.

7) Plenary Report
     - Warner Bloomberg spoke about productive Working Group meetings
     - some discussion of the Fair Wage Initiative
     - Carol Brouillet provided some observations from the point of
       view of a frist time attendee.
     - Gerry Gras spoke about the GPUS Affiliation Agreement proposal,
       and the failed attempt to lower the voting threshold on policy
       items to 2/3.

8) County Council Election
     - Jim Doyle and others spoke about the upcoming County Council
       (CC) election and the desirability of having more on the CC,
       particularly 8.

9) U.S. Senatorial Candidate speech
     - Tian Harter gave a sample stump speech for his campaign for
       the U.S. Senate (against 2 Greens for Dianne Feinstein's seat).
     - Others provided feedback.

10) Fair Wage Campaign Strategy
     - There will be 2 initiatives to collect signatures for.
     - There will be about 4 months to collect signatures.
     - It is unknown when the period begins because we have
       not heard from the Attorney General's office yet.
     - The number of signatures needed is about 400,000.
     - Valerie asked if we wanted to donate money to the
       state campaign.  It was decided to postpone this to
       next month.

11) Election 2006
     - Green Party candidates that Santa Clara County voters can
       vote for include:
         - U.S. Senate - Todd Chretian, Tian Harter, and one other
         - Governor - Peter Camejo
         - Secretary of State - Forrest Hill
         - Controller - Laura Wells
         - and maybe U.S. Congress (Anna Eshoo's seat) Carol Brouillet
     - Some discussion about Pombo and the impact of Wes Rolley's blog.

Signed, Gerry Gras


Proposed Agenda for County Meeting
Tuesday, January 3, 2004
Location: Banjara Indian Restaurant -  http://banjarainc.com
                  407 Town & Country Village, Sunnyvale
                  Directions available at above web site

6:30 Socializing and Dinner
7:30 Meeting

NOTE: The order of items in this agenda is not necessarily
the order we will be discussing them.

          -- Preliminary Items --

Choose Facilitator(s), Note-Taker(s), Time Keeper, and
     Vibes Watcher(s)  (5)
Introductions and Short Announcements  (5)
Revise and Affirm Agenda  (5)

          -- Main Part --

1. Treasurer's Report  (5)  Adam

2. State Party Business
     Plenary Report (10)  plenary attendees

3. Old Business
     2006 Tabling Calendar  (5)  Warner
     Planning Meeting - review the year  (5)  Gerry

4. New Business
     Review County Council functions, seek candidates (10)
     Bylaws change re Regional Rep selection process (10)  Warner
     Tian Harter - U.S. Senate candidate  (15)  Tian
     Fair Wage Campaign strategy  (15)  Warner
     2006 Elections  (15)

(Total scheduled time:  1 hour, 45 minutes)

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