[Sosfbay-discuss] Draft minutes of 1/3/05 GPSCC Meeting - #1

Wes Rolley wrolley at charter.net
Fri Jan 6 07:40:12 PST 2006

>Here is the first draft mintues of the GPSCC meeting on
>Tuesday, January 3rd.  Please review and make comments,
>especially in case of error.  And look for omissions, I
>have not taken notes in a while, these may be too sketchy.

>11) Election 2006
>     - Green Party candidates that Santa Clara County voters can
>       vote for include:
>         - U.S. Senate - Todd Chretian, Tian Harter, and one other
>         - Governor - Peter Camejo
>         - Secretary of State - Forrest Hill
>         - Controller - Laura Wells
>         - and maybe U.S. Congress (Anna Eshoo's seat) Carol Brouillet
>     - Some discussion about Pombo and the impact of Wes Rolley's blog.

Two comments:  the "one other" for senator is Kent Mesplay. 

There is a list of all currently known candidates for office in 
California in 2006.  It is at

Other state wide offices that you have missed are:
Insurance Commissioner: Larry Cafiero
Lt. Governor: Donna Warren
Treasurer: Mehul Thakker

I am keeping the State Wide offices and candidate actions reviewed at my 
new blog, http://cagreening.blogspot.com/

Note, we have 2 contested primaries that are known so far this year.  
One is for the senate seat.  The other is for State Assembly District 44 
(Los Angeles).  That is maybe a good sign as contested primaries will 
generate discussion about  the direction of the party.


"Anytime you have an opportunity to make things better and you don't, then you are wasting your time on this Earth" Roberto Clemente

Wes Rolley
Tel: 408.778.3024

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