[Sosfbay-discuss] Jan 15th - Speaking Out For Truth, Peace, and Justice

TNHarter at aol.com TNHarter at aol.com
Sun Jan 8 23:14:25 PST 2006

                     Speaking Out-       For Truth, Peace, and Justice

Sunday, Martin Luther King Jr.’s 
birthday,                                                          January 15, 2006         11 am to 1 pm

Lytton Plaza, (University x Emerson, Downtown Palo Alto,
just a few blocks from the University Ave. Train Station)

Americans and people throughout the world honor the life, words, actions and 
legacy of Martin Luther King Jr.      The day is also the anniversary of a 
March upon Congresswoman Anna Eshoo’s office in 2002 Demanding a Congressional 
Investigation of 9/11.      In 2003, a subsequent March took place- Demanding an 
End to the 9/11 Cover-Up,    Repeal of the Patriot Act,    and the
Pre-Emptive Impeachment of Bush.  Lytton Plaza is also the site of the weekly 
Listening For A Change Project, held since October 2001, ( inspired by a 
Colombian woman’s efforts to defuse violence using the most gentle, non-violent 
means possible- “listening.”)

Time to speak truths censored by the mainstream press,  truths which birth 
the movements for social change, for peace and justice.  A range of activists 
will speak, including-  newly elected City Councilman Peter Drekmeier, Swami 
Beyondananda, T.U.C.’s Maria Gilardin, Taking Aim’s Ralph Schoenman, Ken 
Jenkins, John Bass, Ed Rippy, David Kubiak,  Christian Pecaut, Green Candidates Laura 
Wells, Tian Harter,  and  Carol Brouillet  who will publicly launch her 
Congressional Campaign with a short statement-

     “Like Martin Luther King, Jr., I have a dream, too.  A dream of a world, 
without war, a dream of a world where resources are not squandered on weapons 
to protect the rich from the poor , a dream of a world where there is no need 
for armies, nor weapons of mass destruction, nor terrorism, and wealth is 
measured by the health and well being of our relationships, our children, our 
community, our planet.

      “Truth is the first casualty of war.  The official 9-11 story is a 
lie.  Lies are used to sell unjustifiable wars.  The PATRIOT Act was anything, but 
patriotic, and an attack upon the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, dissent. 
Congress was terrorized and pressured into passing it quickly.

       “When we demanded an investigation of 9-11, Bush and Cheney limited 
the investigation and had it overseen by the CIA and the men, who should have 
been investigated for their role in the attacks, Goss and Graham.  The systemic 
destruction of evidence and cover-up culminated in the deeply flawed official 
Report directed by Philip Zelikow, part of the Bush National Security 
transition team, who co-authored a book with Rice.  The Commission ignored, omitted 
and distorted evidence that didn’t fit within the parameters outlined by the 
official narrative.

      “Congresswoman Eshoo, has supported the official story and championed 
the Intelligence Transformation Act, based upon the Commission’s 

      “It is time to challenge and abolish the National Security State, 
Homeland Security, F.EM.A. which seem designed to protect the few from the many.  
False Security depends upon having the most sophisticated weapons, surveillance 
devices, and control over communications systems. .  The obscene military 
transformation of the country threatens the health, well being, and civil 
liberties of its citizen and the world. Real Security means water, food, shelter, 
health, and healthy relationships between people, people and planet.

     “The “War on Terrorism” is a bogus war, a war of terrorism against all 
people, a war on truth, a war on freedom, launched by a terrorist attack which 
has all the fingerprints of a special operation, a Reichstag Fire. 9-11 was 
one of the false pretexts, lies, used to sell the war on Iraq.  

      “We need a national dialogue on Impeachment, the responsibility of the 
American people and Congress to rein in a criminal regime that is capable 
terrorizing its own people, as well as pursuing illegal, immoral, wars of 
aggression against other countries, and stealing elections.

     “I hope that others share my dream for transforming this country from a 
violent, dominating bully, to a respectful, helpful friend.

      “I hope that those who share my belief that “Impeachment,” Repeal of 
the PATRIOT Act, Redirecting Resources from Killing to Healing, are our best 
hope for the country and will support my campaign.  I cannot do this alone; 
there must be a powerful social movement.  Apathy, Disengagement, Fear and 
Cynicism are the forces which perpetuate the war economy, corporate globalization. 
Engagement, Empowerment, Hope, Courage, Truth, Growing Real Communities within 
our society can transform it to serve and nurture life. 

     “Another  world is possible.  We can do together what none of us can do 
alone.  I have no experience within government nor corporations, but I do have 
experience in mothering, organizing, building community, learning how to work 
cooperatively, finding the deeper truths and purposes which bind us with all 
of humanity.  As citizens,  our greatest duty, to ourselves, to our families, 
to the world, is to rein in our own government, and hold it accountable for 
its actions, this is why I am running for office, to champion Truth, Peace, 
Justice, and Ecological Wisdom.

    I hope you will join us on January 15th for the Speak-Out, Rally for 
Truth, Peace and Justice.  I hope it doesn’t rain.  After over four years of the 
weekly Wednesday’ “Listening for a Change,” Project.  I believe I will change 
the title to “Listening and Speaking for a Change” and reserve the first hour 
for Listening and the second hour for Speaking and organizing. If you cannot 
join us on the 15th, please join us on a sunny/cloudy/non-rainy Wednesday from 
11 am to 1 pm at Lytton Plaza.                                     
Carol Brouillet,  www.communitycurrency.org
 cbrouillet at igc.org, PO Box 60511, Palo Alto, CA,  650-857-0927    
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