[Sosfbay-discuss] Justice In Santa Clara County

Wes Rolley wrolley at charter.net
Sun Jan 22 20:07:42 PST 2006

After a long walk late this afternoon with my wife, I came back, turned 
on Channel 11 news, and heard the story of Miguel Sermeno.

    Sermeno was arrested on felony hit-and-run charges after walking the
    half-block from his house to the scene of an accident. An
    overzealous deputy district attorney ignored evidence that pointed
    to a more likely suspect, instead winning a wrongful conviction.

This led me to the Mercury News.  Todays MN had the first of a five part 
series on IN justice in Santa Clara County.  It is appalling and, from 
my own observations just in traffic court, has a racial side to it that 
de facto punishes those who are "different."

I urge everyone to read this series by Fredrick Tulsky.  Then, I would 
hope that there is a way to turn this into a formal protest of the lack 
of social justice in our INjustice system.  We often take shots at the 
"Murky News" but this time they are doing something right.


"Anytime you have an opportunity to make things better and you don't, then you are wasting your time on this Earth" Roberto Clemente

Wes Rolley
Tel: 408.778.3024

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