[Sosfbay-discuss] Justice In Santa Clara County

Jim Stauffer jims at greens.org
Tue Jan 24 13:56:11 PST 2006

Wes Rolley wrote:
------- snip
> I urge everyone to read this series by Fredrick Tulsky.  Then, I would
> hope that there is a way to turn this into a formal protest of the lack
> of social justice in our INjustice system.  We often take shots at the
> "Murky News" but this time they are doing something right.
> Wes

And upcoming acts of injustice should be one of our actions, too. Here's an
alert from So Bay Mobilization:


Action Alert: Write a Letter to Asst DA Karyn Sinunu, Attend HRC Hearing on
Tuesday, January 24

Brought to you by South Bay Mobilization:

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      Attend the Santa Clara County Human Relations Commission Meeting!!!

                          Tuesday, January 24, 6 p.m.
            70 West Hedding (at the corner of First Street), San Jose
On the Agenda:

   * The Case of the De Anza 8 — Racial Profiling and Police Brutality in Santa
     Clara County
   * Resolution to Urge the U.S. to Pull Out Now From Iraq
   * Resolution to Bring the California National Guard Home From Iraq

We need to show the county HOW MUCH WE CARE about these issues and encourage the
county to act on our behalf through PASSAGE of the anti-war resolutions and
through JUSTICE for the young men unfairly singled out, injured, and threatened
with serious charges! Please come to the meeting to show your support, and to
hear the shocking testimony of what happened to the De Anza 8 when they
protested against war criminal Colin Powell last November.

In Addition:

Please write to Assistant District Attorney Karyn Sinunu expressing your
concerns about the pending charges against the De Anza 8. Here's a sample

Karyn Sinunu
Chief Assistant District Attorney
70 W. Hedding
San Jose, CA 95110

Re: De Anza Protest

Dear Ms. Sinunu:

I am concerned about the arrest and pending prosecution of the "De Anza 8". I am
aware that the Office of the District Attorney is now reviewing the arrests and
is contemplating bringing charges against some of the eight arrestees. I urge
you to consider the inherent racism and the brutality of the arrests in making
your decision.

There can be no doubt that the overwhelming majority of the crowd at the Colin
Powell protest was white. Equally, there can be do doubt that only minority
people were arrested outside the Flint Center. I believe that before any charges
are brought in this case you first have to explain this apparent racist response
by the Sheriff's Department.

I understand that the Sheriff has said in her defense that earlier in the
evening it was impossible to make arrests, and that later in the evening (when
additional officers were present) people were arrested only where there was
'probable cause'. I want to point out to you that statement is inherently
unbelievable. The existing photographs and videotapes of the demonstration
clearly show a large force of officers at all stages of the protest.

Likewise, official Sheriff's Office press releases and statements claim
truthfully that ALL of the problems are due to a small group of "protestors"
dressed in black and wearing ski masks. If you look at the photos you will see
that only white people were wearing ski masks, and we know that NO white people
were arrested outside the Flint Center.

I understand that several responsible people in the community (from all sides)
have suggested that this is a case where formal mediation might be helpful. I
ask you to consider this in making any decisions about this case. Clearly, no
one should throw rocks at sheriff's deputies, or police officers. Just as
clearly, the sheriff's deputies should not arrest Muslims (not dressed in black,
not wearing ski masks) for the actions of others.

Very Truly Yours,
<your name>
Educate, Involve and Mobilize for peace & justice

This is an announcement from South Bay Mobilization, an organization working to
oppose U.S. interventions that violate rights of self-determination abroad and
undermine civil liberties, economic rights, and environmental protections here
at home.

Send comments or calendar items to info at southbaymobilization.org

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