[Sosfbay-discuss] [Fwd: Join the Sierra Club in Watching "Global Warming: What You Need to Know"]

Tian Harter tnharter at ispwest.com
Fri Jul 14 00:40:02 PDT 2006

Dear Sierra Club Supporter:

Irecently hosted the special 
for the Discovery Channel. I encourage you to tune in on* Sunday, July 
16 at 9 PM ET/PT* for the world premiere.

When I first set out to do this special, I knew a few things for certain:

    * I knew that most people were confused about global warming
    * And I knew that if we were going to do this right, it had to be
      completely objective and journalistic. No celebrities, no foregone
      conclusions. Just the straight science so that people can make up
      their own minds about the issue.

will take you to global warming hot spots around the world where the 
planet is most affected by climate change -- into rushing sub-surface 
rivers deep in Patagonian glaciers; into the drought-stricken Amazon; on 
coral reefs ravaged by rising ocean temperatures; into a massive Chinese 
coal mine, and many more.

An international team of experts, including NASA's top climate scientist 
Dr. James Hansen, will discuss the current realities of global warming 
and predict the future of the planet.

The special will look at technical solutions, both great and small, from 
giant gas injection rigs in the ocean, to more efficient architecture in 
cities, to what the average American family can do to slow global warming.

I hope you will tune in to see for yourself what we all need to know 
about global warming to ensure the future of our planet. *GLOBAL 
WARMING: WHAT YOU NEED TO KNOW airs Sunday, July 16 at 9 PM ET/PT.* 


Tom Brokaw

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Sierra Club
85 Second St.
San Francisco, CA 94105
www.sierraclub.org <http://www.sierraclub.org>

Latest change: Added pictures from the GPCA meeing near 
Thousand Oaks, a dot on the map in Ventura County, CA.

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