[Sosfbay-discuss] Can you believe this weeks NewsWeek cover?

Tian Harter tnharter at ispwest.com
Thu Jul 13 13:00:01 PDT 2006

I liked it so much I took a picture of it and put it on my website here:


I took it with me to Mountain View's City Hall when I went to the City 
Meeting Tuesday evening. I showed it to a number of people. The 
reactions were
all things like "you must have done something," complimentary but not 

The gist of the article is that using less energy is the essence of 
being green, and
it's now the in thing. I think I'll be carrying it around for the next 
week or so...

BTW: There is also a link by that article in the online version to an 
interview with
Al Gore about his movie, An Inconvienient Truth. In it he finishes up by 
saying the
movie is "nonpolitical". It's hard for me to believe anything can really be
nonpolitical, but okay. I really like the way he shared his experience 
with Tobacco
in the movie. He was saying essentially "we could have changed the way 
we did
things long before we did, and things would have worked out better if we 

Latest change: Added pictures from the GPCA meeing near 
Thousand Oaks, a dot on the map in Ventura County, CA.

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