[Sosfbay-discuss] Constitution Summer says Impeach Bush!

Tian Harter tnharter at ispwest.com
Thu Jul 20 10:56:40 PDT 2006

The event I went to last evening at the Grand Lake theater was put on by
Constitution Summer, a group trying to get Bush impeached. So far their
big success is getting an impeachment resolution on the November Ballot
in Berkeley. The speaker said that their example has inspired other
groups to start moving on the issue in Oakland, Santa Cruz, and maybe
San Francisco so far. There were probably a couple of hundred people in
the audience.

The organizers showed a half hour movie that explained they wanted to
have Bush impeached because:

1) his Administration is spying on Americans, a violation of the 4th
Amendment to the Constitution and the FISA Law that has served the USA
well since 1978; and

2) his Administration has approved torture at Guantanimo and other
places, a violation of International Law and the 5th and 8th Amendments
to the US Constitution; and

3) Bush himself made false statements on the record to get the US into
the Iraq war, claiming they had WMDs and were pursuing Nuclear weapons;

4) his Administration is fighting an illegal war in Iraq, which has
already killed thousands of Americans and many more Iraqis, and is
likely to kill many more people.

After the movie they had a panel discussion. Bill Goodman explained
that these articles are the ones they are moving forward with because
there is plenty of evidence that they are valid on the public record.
Daniel Ellsberg spoke about how silence is not an option. He thinks
going along with what is going on in Iraq amounts to being an accomplice
to the war crimes they are committing.

After that there was some lively Q&A. One woman wanted to know if
stealing elections in Florida ('00) and Ohio ('04) was an impeachable
offense. Bill Goodman explained that he wasn't sure that one could
easily be pinned directly on the President.

Somebody else thought 9/11 was an inside job, and asked if that was an
impeachable offense. Goodman winced at the thought of trying to explain
to the public an idea that wasn't already widely believed. Ellsberg
thought there is lots of evidence that something fishy is going on, and
that the question was probably worth holding hearings on. Neither of
them seemed ready to tack 9/11 onto the Constitution Summer list of
articles of impeachment.

Outside the theater there was a bunch of tabling and talking. Carol
Wolman M. D. gave me her flier. She is running a nonpartisan write in
Congressional Campaign in the 1st District on a pro impeachment platform.
A young hippy guy told me I should support bill #635, a good part of the
solution. Another woman was selling "Give Bush the BOOT!" T shirts, and
handing out fliers asking people to visit www.impeachbush-cheney.com or
www.afterdowningstreet.org to get connected. Constitution Summer had
a table to, where they were selling copies of their book. For more info
please visit constitutionsummer.org.

Did you see last weeks NewsWeek? The cover story was about how 
hip it is to use less energy. The cover art was also very green.

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