[Sosfbay-discuss] Richard Pombo needs to retire

Wes Rolley wrolley at charter.net
Thu Oct 19 06:53:10 PDT 2006

I have reported some about what we are doing to remove Pombo from 
office. I have not asked for help as I did not think that I should 
divert Green Party energies to this effort. However, let me assure you 
that, as election day get closer, the Pombo campaign is diving deeper 
into the muck. 

The latest is to gather support from the Gun Owners of America.  This is 
not the NRA.  In fact, it is an organization that is so far to the right 
of the NRA that the leader, Larry Pratt, was kicked out of Pat 
Buchannon's campaign staff for going around the country and soliciting 
support from white suprematist and militia movement organizations.  
Pratt is originally from South Aftica and that should tell you something.

If there is one thing that Greens in South County must do, it is to vote 
for Jerry McNerney in this eleciton.


Wes Rolley		 
17211 Quail Court	
Morgan Hill, CA 95037

"Happiness is to be fully engaged in the activity that you believe in and, if you are very good at it, well that's a bonus." -- Henry Moore

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