[Sosfbay-discuss] meeting agenda Thursday Jan 4

JamBoi jamboi at yahoo.com
Mon Jan 1 12:54:40 PST 2007

Of course in old business you (Jim D.) were running through ideas for
outreach to different groups and we only got part way through that.

Another point.  For early February we have a talk on impeachment by the
well-known speaker and author Peter Phillips (Director of Project
Censored: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Phillips_%28activist%29 ).

Along those lines how about if we got our biodiesel talk with Bill
Micheal going for January or March???

more later...

Green solidarity!


--- Jim Doyle <j.m.doyle at sbcglobal.net> wrote:

> This is a call for agenda items for Thursday's meeting.
> Thus far we have
> by-laws proposal
> new treasurer
> another county council member - must ask if willing
> MLK day activities
> Let's have some more.
> Jim Doyle
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Jammy The Sacred Cow Slayer

"Live humbly, laugh often and love unconditionally" (anon)

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