[Sosfbay-discuss] meeting agenda Thursday Jan 4

Wes Rolley wrolley at charter.net
Thu Jan 4 11:58:36 PST 2007

>This is a call for agenda items for Thursday's meeting.
>Thus far we have
>by-laws proposal
>new treasurer
>another county council member - must ask if willing
>MLK day activities
>Let's have some more.
Here are a couple of ideas:

- what participation does SCC want to have in the development of a 
Standing General Assembly for GPCA?  There will be a meeting in San 
Mateo County this month, organized by Jo Chamberlain and Jonathan Lundell.

- If the GP-SCC wants to do anything for Earth Day, it is about time to 
start planning what that might me.

- Last year, I made a suggestion about using the idea of drinking Green 
Beer on St. Patrick's Day as a reason for a Green Party fundraiser.  Not 
just the wearin' o' the Green, but a livin' o' the Green.  Anyone want 
to take this on?

- Issues: The Santa Clara County Green Party has only one issue on it's 
web site: Bring the Troops Home NOW!!!
Is there energy for others? There are two local issues that were 
endorsed by GPSCC: OpenSpace 2006 (which lost in Nov.) and SaveBAREC 
(Bay Area Research and Extension Center).

What is the status on these local issues?  BAREC is still active... 
Warner was involved, I believe... before the elections consumed all his 
time. The Initiative from PLAN is dead for a while, but there is a 
change in the Land Use Santa Clara County Local Agencies Formantion 
Commission (LAFCO) has proposals for further changes to the processes 
for land use planning.  Do we care?

Wes Rolley		 
17211 Quail Court	
Morgan Hill, CA 95037

"Happiness is to be fully engaged in the activity that you believe in and, if you are very good at it, well that's a bonus." -- Henry Moore

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