[Sosfbay-discuss] Durbin calls Cheney 'delusional' 

JamBoi jamboi at yahoo.com
Thu Jan 25 14:17:00 PST 2007

Are the Dems only just now figuring this out???  Notice its 'harsh'
when a Dem says it, but how many incredibly harsh things have spilled
from Darth Cheney's mouth???

Green solidarity!

Drew Johnson

Durbin calls Cheney 'delusional'
By Margaret
Talev http://www.thestate.com/mld/thestate/news/nation/16544658.htm
McClatchy Newspapers

    * Cheney increasingly on the defensive

WASHINGTON - Vice President Dick Cheney is "delusional" about what's
happening in Iraq, the Democrats' top Senate vote-counter said

That harsh assessment by Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin, D-Ill., two
days after President Bush sought bipartisan comity in his State of the
Union address, underscores how difficult achieving that may be.

Moreover, it illuminates how many in Congress especially blame Cheney
for the president's insistence on building up troop levels in Iraq
rather than pulling out of the sectarian violence there after nearly
four years and redeploying troops to Afghanistan and other terrorist
trouble spots.

During the Senate Democratic leadership team's weekly briefing with
reporters, Durbin cited a television interview from a day earlier in
which Cheney told CNN "there's been a lot of success" in Iraq and
rejected the idea that the situation was beyond control.

"To have Vice President Cheney suggest that we have had a series of
enormous successes in Iraq is delusional," Durbin said. "I don't
understand how he can continue to say those things while the president
calls them 'slow failure'."

That's the term President Bush used in a separate television interview
earlier this month, saying that's where the situation would be headed
unless another 21,500 troops were injected.


Jammy The Sacred Cow Slayer

"Live humbly, laugh often and love unconditionally" (anon)

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