[Sosfbay-discuss] [Fwd from my Dad] this is almost too good...

Tian Harter tnharter at ispwest.com
Fri Jul 6 22:01:33 PDT 2007

>>>>July 6, 2007
>>>>GOP Hypocrite of the Week
>>>>Members of the Libby Legal Defense Trust
>>>>Actually this week, it's a whole posse of Republican hypocrites, all the
>>>>GOP loudmouths out there talking about how Scooter Libby's pardon -- oh,
>>>>we mean commutation (the pardon comes after the 2008 election) -- is no
>>>>big deal.
>>>>After all, Poppy Bush saved his butt and facilitated the obstruction of
>>>>justice when he pardoned the Iran-Contra felons, and in particular, kept
>>>>the late Caspar Weinberger from nailing daddy Bush. It would have been
>>>>great to see George Herbert Walker in an orange jumpsuit.
>>>>No, the Busheviks aren't bringing that "like father, like son avoiding
>>>>jail" similarity up, but they are reminding us ad nauseam that Bill
>>>>Clinton pardoned Marc Rich, whose wife contributed a bundle to the
>>>>Democrats. Rich was used by Republicans to dirty up Clinton after he
>>>>left office, by claiming that he had basically sold the pardon for
>>>>campaign funding and contributions to his presidential library.
>>>>The Libby Legal Defense Trust (not to be confused with the BuzzFlash.com
>>>>Libby betrayal Web site, LibbyDefenseFund.com) supporters have jumped
>>>>all over the Rich pardon as a "precedent" for the Libby "commutation,
>>>>pardon to come" action by Bush.
>>>>Let's put aside for the moment that Rich's crimes were of the financial
>>>>sort. He didn't betray the national security of the United States, as
>>>>Libby (and Cheney, Bush, and Rove for that matter) did. Rich didn't
>>>>obstruct a federal investigation into the outing of a CIA operative
>>>>specializing in tracking the illicit sales of WMD. Let's also put aside
>>>>that Rudolph Giuliani is the one who prosecuted Rich, condemned his
>>>>pardon, but urged a pardon for Libby.
>>>>No, let us forget these details for the moment. What makes the Rich red
>>>>herring so hypocritical is something a bit more damning.
>>>>You see, when you are a mega-wealthy guy on the lamb seeking a
>>>>presidential pardon, you hire yourself a "K Street" lawyer to get to the
>>>>top levels of government.
>>>>And Marc Rich had just such a powerful attorney to help seek his pardon.
>>>>His name was Scooter Libby.
>>>>Now we just have to wonder. When all those Busheviks claim what a
>>>>travesty the Rich pardon was, and then argue that Libby has a sterling
>>>>record of service to America, how do they rationalize Libby being the
>>>>one who represented Rich's effort to redeem himself?
>>>>Oh, we forgot for a moment. It's the GOP hypocrisy, stupid!
>>>>This GOPHypocrites.com Web site and The GOP Hypocrite of the Week are
>>>>projects of and (C) BuzzFlash.com.
Latest change: SF Agent Orange Press Conferance pictures and words.
BTW: If you are free and around, come to my party on Saturday the 7th!

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