[Sosfbay-discuss] Blue Cross Obstructions

Jim Stauffer jims at greens.org
Tue Jul 10 19:11:28 PDT 2007

Right now, Blue Cross is spending $2 million on a campaign here in  
California to derail healthcare

reform in the Legislature -- the same Blue Cross that makes more money  
here, and spends less on

patients, than any other big insurer.

Blue Cross is fighting to kill any reform this year, and we've got to  
fight back. We can get quality,

affordable healthcare in California this year -- but only if Blue Cross  
and its millions of dollars

aren't the only voice speaking in Sacramento.

That's why, today we're announcing the launch of a brand new website --  
http://SickOfBlueCross.com. Please

come by and check it out.

At SickOfBlueCross.com, we're exposing the truth behind Blue Cross's  
effort to thwart healthcare

reform in California this year while providing you with online tools to  
help you speak up and fight


While you're visiting our new website, we hope you'll also join our first  
major online advocacy

campaign:  Send an email message to Governor Schwarzenegger and  
legislative leaders in Sacramento,

telling them to stand up against Blue Cross and its $2 million “Just Say  
No” campaign -- and stand up

for healthcare reform in California this year.

Want to learn how Blue Cross is working aggressively to stifle healthcare  
reform?  Want to see how

Blue Cross is putting its own corporate profits over the lives of real  
people?  Want to read real

stories from Californians whose lives have been negatively impacted by  
Blue Cross?

You'll find all of this -- and more -- right now at  
www.SickOfBlueCross.com, so we hope you'll take a

moment to check it out.

Please visit the new SickOfBlueCross.com now!


Nick DeLuca
It's OUR Healthcare

P.S.  After you've visited www.SickOfBlueCross.com, please forward this  
email to 5 other friends and

family members who share our commitment to passing healthcare reform in  
California this year.  Thanks

for your help in spreading the word!

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