[Sosfbay-discuss] Bizarre: Sheehan vs. Conyers

Gerry Gras gerrygras at earthlink.net
Tue Jul 24 11:47:39 PDT 2007

It seems really bizarre to me.  Apparently Conyers
asked the Capitol police to arrest the impeachment
supporters in his office, and 46 were arrested.

Remember that Conyers held hearings in Ohio about
foul play during the 2004 election.  And he
supported impeachent hearings during the last
(2005-2006) Congress.

What is going on?

Would it be hyperbole to say that this is the worst
constitutional crisis ever (Bush Administration vs.


Drew already sent two emails about the arrests.
Here are 4 more stories about the arrests, including
a lot of criticism of Democrats...

"Peace Activist Cindy Sheehan Arrested at Congress"
by Thomas Ferraro (Reuters)

"Congressman John Conyers Betrays the American People"
by Medea Benjamin

"John Conyers Is No Martin Luther King"
by Ray McGovern

"Office Arrests: The Shame of John Conyers"
by Dave Lindorff


And here is an opinion piece about the balance of powers:

"Congress Must Reassert The Balance of Powers"
by Melanie Sloan (The San Francisco Chronicle)


NOTE: she outlines specific steps that Congress could


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