[Sosfbay-discuss] Sheehan Arrested Again - Haven't Seen Such Rage Since the 60's

alexcathy at aol.com alexcathy at aol.com
Tue Jul 24 18:06:39 PDT 2007

 Cindy Sheehan and others agitating for impeachment were arrested in John Conyers' office on Capitol Hill.? Cindy has declared her candidacy against Nancy Pelosi in San Francisco.? 

Events are moving fast.? i can't keep up with all the messages and statements are flying around the Internet.? 

What does it mean??? Where is all this going to lead us? 

I have no idea!? 

I'll tell you this, honestly.? Speaking as one who lived through those years, I've haven't seen such rage on the left in this country since the late 1960s.? 

If the Democrats think they can contain it with this MoveOn.org, DailyKos "netroots" bullshit and platitudes from Hillary and Barack I fear they may be sadly mistaken.?? Some people are already calling for Dennis Kucinich and Mike Gravel to walk out.?  

Fellow American, this is serious stuff, especially George Bush is totally divorced from reality and since the "conservatives" are just as violently crazy as ever.? 

No matter how much the corporate capitalist media lies, the economy still sucks.? The immigration thing is hot and global warming is getting hotter.? Bin Laden still wants to strike in the U.S. again and the Bushies are incompetent enough or creepy enough to let them do it.? Bush may yet try to start another war with Iran and the clueless Dems have already given him a green light to do that!

One of the strongest "talking points" for impeachment *IS* to make sure Bush's dictatorial powers do not end up in the hands of the Democrats.? 

Personally, I don't want to have anything to do with the Democrats.? Their attitude *SINCE* the 2006 election has alienated me even more.? For the first time in my life I don't mind saying openly that I actually *dislike* them.? At a time when idiots like Todd Gitlin and Eric Alterman are saying "Come Home!" to the Democratic Party, I'm more convinced that ever trying to play ball with them was the biggest mistake of my life.? Democrats hate their own voters and over time their half-assed corrupted "liberalism" always sets the stage for the next crisis.? 

The last, best final argument for third parties is that they are a "lesser evil" than civil war!? 

Alex Walker 



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