[Sosfbay-discuss] Open Email to the GPSCC County Council; Bylaws Amendmen...

WB4D23 at aol.com WB4D23 at aol.com
Wed Jun 6 21:26:40 PDT 2007

In a message dated 6/6/07 7:21:32 PM Pacific Daylight Time,  jamboi at yahoo.com 

Hey  Warner, 

I think I mostly agree with your proposed amendment. 
I  have two concerns that you might be able to address.
1) Why don't we assert  our right to recall our rep as
well?  I understand that the state  bylaws need
clarification on that point, but while we are working
on our  own bylaws I think we should make it a standard
practice to provide for  both election/appointment and
recall whenever we are adding bylaws for a  position.

Reply:  I have no objection to this.  I sent the  draft to the GPSCC email 
list and the CC list for both counties to try to get  this moving (after many 
previous attempts).  IMO, what is needed is text  that both the San Mateo and 
Santa Clara County GPs can accept.  Presumably,  the first hurdle is to get both 
County Councils to agree on the same or similar  provisions and then have 
them adopted according to each County GP's  procedures.

2)  Is there a way that this could be formulated where
it could be a more  practical model for regions that
have more than two counties?  
Reply:  This is a proposal for the current configuration  of the Silicon 
Valley Region.  What other county are you planning to annex?  (Juuust Kidding!!!!)
But really...  I don't think we have any business setting  rules for other 
regions.  You know... decentralization... grassroots  democracy... "And all that 
In Struggle!  Warner

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