[Sosfbay-discuss] Ted Westhusing

Gerry Gras gerrygras at earthlink.net
Mon Mar 12 18:20:37 PDT 2007

I googled "Ted Westhusing".  Most matches were from websites
I did not recognize.  But the first 100 matches included
- Huffington Post
- Boston Globe
- Texas Observer
- ZNet
- Truthout
- Al Jazeera
- Tom Dispatch ("a project of the Nation Institute")
- Houston Chronicle
- amazon.com


Tian Harter wrote:

> I recieved the following from Per in response to my last email.
> It was so readable I had to share it:
>>Re. Iraq, have you heard of Ted Westhusing? He was an
>>Army Colonel; a real achiever. West Point, Airborne
>>and Ranger school, taught at West Point, learned
>>Italian and Russian, real gung-ho super-patriot.
>>Believed Iraq was a just war and went out of his way
>>to convince people of it. 
>>Then he got a chance to go to Iraq, to work with US
>>contractors and train Iraqi security forces. It was a
>>six-month stint. A month before he was due to return
>>he apparently committed suicide, leaving a letter that
>>complained about the corruption amongst money-grabbing
>>US contractors, lack of support from the higher-ups,
>>and the complete, over failure of the mission, and a
>>few other things too. 
>>This guy was a highly idealistic person, so I guess
>>the shock just completely brought his view of life
>>tumbling down. He had a wife and three small children.
>>It happened June, 2005. I've not seen much in the
>>media about this. He was the highest ranking soldier
>>to have died in Iraq at the time. 
>>Even if he didn't sound like a person I would
>>particularly like, it's a, bloody waste of a human
>>Here's the whole story: 
> http://www.texasobserver.org/article.php?aid=2440

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