[Sosfbay-discuss] Cynthia McKinney: "We Must Resist!"

alexcathy at aol.com alexcathy at aol.com
Fri Mar 16 12:12:50 PDT 2007

Dear Friends, 
 There has been speculation about former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney running for national office as Green Party Candidate in 2008. Ms. McKinney had a distinguished, but controversial, career as a state legislator and U.S. congressperson from Georgia (is there any other way to be a distinguished progressive in this conservative-dominated Empire?) 
 On March 2, 2007, Ms. McKinney spoke at a fundraiser for Pacifica Radio Station KPFK in Los Angeles. 
 Yesterday, her remarks were posted on the web site Black Agenda Report: www.blackagendareport.com. 
 As the U.S. Congress debates spending tens of billions of more dollars on Mr. Bush's war and on the eve of demonstrations by those of us certain prominent powerful Democrats have called "idiot liberals" and "wild-eyed liberals," I have reposted the complete text. 
 ( http://cagreening.blogspot.com/2007/03/cynthia-mckinney-we-must-resist.html )
 = = = = = = = = = = = 
 We Must Resist!
 by Cynthia McKinney I'm hoping there are some folks here tonight who have never been to an event like this before. I'm hoping that people are so moved by their own intolerable circumstances that they are now willing to do something different in order to get something they've never had before. 
  For, in order to solve the massive problems this country now has, it can no longer be business as usual for a critical mass of us. 
  Whether it's the thawing tundra in Siberia or the melting glaciers in Greenland, our contribution to global warming is something that must be dealt with.  
  Whether it's the massive amounts of money we spend on the war machine or the fact that we still don't know what happened on September 11th, the values and priorities of the American people must be reflected in the public policy we pursue. I do not believe that is the case today and there are specific reasons why.  
  I have long said that the black body politic is comatose: unable to sustain itself after the massive infusion of COINTELPRO-type "clean Negroes" who don't truly provide representation for a body of people in need.  
  Unfortunately, now, the entire American body politic is in dire straits, too.  
  I have also said that the prescription for the black body politic is radical surgery. So, too, now, I believe, is the case with the American body politic. 
  . . . 
 In the meantime, we have to demand more from our representatives. How can you be against war if you finance war? And how can you be against George Bush if you won't impeach him?    
  The American people are being fed madness as sanity. But, this is not Oz, Wonderland, the Twilight Zone, and it's not 1984!  
 With every fiber in our being we must resist. 
  . . .
  Read More At: California Greening   = = = = = = = = = = = 
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