[Sosfbay-discuss] A much more fuel efficient car ....

Andrea Dorey andid at cagreens.org
Sun Mar 25 12:39:56 PDT 2007

Detroit is not likely to resist too hard, as this car (the Vanguard)  
is based on alternative fuels, which will continue to tether the  
driver to the established gas stations that will dispense the fuel,  
continue what is basically an internal combustion engine (AKA  
infernal combustion engine), and the expensive servicing of the noisy  
churning parts by auto makers/dealers who make big money on people  
forced to return for servicing in order to maintain their warranty.


The supreme and best answer remains the electric car, a concept that  
was invented in 1834.  Yup, 1834.

In 1895, the first auto race was won by an electric car (EV).
In 1898, in a New York City ice storm, EVs were the only transport  
capable of moving on the roads!
In 1903, the first speeding ticket was issued, and it was to an EV!
In 1912, there were 38,842 EVs on the road.

Today, EVs are still winning races against gas-guzzlers of any class.  
Even against Lamborghini, Ferrari, Porsche Carrera GT, and other race/ 
luxury/muscle cars.  Why?

The all-electric tZero goes 0-60 in 3.6 seconds with 300 miles per  
charge; the Tango goes 0-60 in 4 seconds and can do 0-130 mph in one  
gear and can drive side-by-side with another Tango in the same  
freeway lane!

  The newest darling of the electric cars coming out is the the all- 
electric Tesla Roadster built by Tesla Motors in San Carlos, CA.  It  
goes 0-60 in 4 seconds, gets 250 miles per charge by EPA standards,  
and is the hottest looking 2-seater sports car soon to be on the road  
(body designed by Lotus!).
The first two years of "production" Roadsters have sold out,  
already!  They are starting to build the first years' Signature  
Roadsters (100) this year.

Electric cars today are being designed to be so user-friendly that  
they can be plugged into the normal house electric plugs and can  
charge in a few hours, overnight, while electricity is the cheapest  
rate.  Even the simplest, cheapest design can go about 50-60 miles on  
a charge—most Americans drive only 25-35 (round-trip) miles a day.

No propane, methane, biodiesel, fuel cell, steam, or solar powered  
car can beat the electric car.  Or do it as cleanly.

Not dead yet, Detroit!  ;-  ))

On Mar 21, 2007, at 9:13 PM, Gerry Gras wrote:

> ... but Detroit is resisting it as usual:
> "The Car of Tomorrow Is Here Today"
>      http://www.commondreams.org/views07/0321-23.htm
> Gerry
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