[Sosfbay-discuss] San Francisco Spells Out Message of Impeachment

JamBoi jamboi at yahoo.com
Tue May 1 08:58:01 PDT 2007


San Francisco Spells Out Message of Impeachment 
by Ben Malley‚ Apr. 30‚ 2007 

Thousands gathered at Ocean Beach Saturday morning to spell out IMPEACH
NOW! in the sand with their bodies. The event was coordinated with
other impeachment events nationwide on April 28, and included a Code
Pink march to Nancy Pelosi’s house.

Building on the momentum from the first “Beach Impeach” event on
January 7 organizers expected a turnout of between 1,500 and 2,000. The
larger crowd allowed organizers to add the NOW to the original Jan. 7
message. According to event organizer Brad Newsham, the message
stretched 730 feet across and 100 feet high.

At 11:00 a.m. a helicopter flew over to take aerial photographs. And
after 15 minutes Newsham gave the signal, waving a green flag informing
protesters to transform their message into PEACE NOW! While another
organizer implored passersby to “lie down on the beach and spell out
what needs to happen.” 

The women of Code Pink, dressed in their colors, occupied the C. While
a group dressed in orange biohazard suits made up the exclamation mark.

The entire event took only about 90 minutes and the mood was festive.
After the photography was complete protesters danced to the rhythms of
a band of marimba players and free food was available. A number of
television news outlets were on hand for the display.

The impeachment movement has been growing with every controversy the
Bush administration becomes embroiled in. With every revelation more
cracks begin to show, most recently the controversy surrounding the
firings of eight U.S. Attorneys.

“If you look at the polls, more and more people across the country are
calling for impeachment,” Newsham said. According to an October 2006
Newsweek poll largely ignored by the press, 28 percent said impeachment
was a “top priority” and 23 percent said it was a “lower priority.”

Rep. Dennis Kucinich took an important first step in bringing
impeachment more into mainstream political discourse. He submitted his
three articles of impeachment (H.R. 333) against Dick Cheney last week.
He accuses the vice president of "high crimes and misdemeanors" for
violating the constitution and undermining national security by lying
to the American people about Iraqi weapons of mass destruction and an
al-Qaeda connection to justify a war.

Rep. John Murtha was the latest Democrat to mention impeachment when he
said on the CBS show Face the Nation, “there’s four ways to influence a
president. And one of them’s impeachment.” While this statement doesn’t
mean that Democrats are going to jump on the Kucinich bandwagon, it
also means that clearly impeachment isn’t “off the table” as Pelosi
said in January.

The Beach Impeach idea is a brilliant one. In an age where many cite
citizen apathy as a major political problem, what better way to get
people involved then by providing a protest option that is in essence,
going to the beach on a Saturday and hanging out with people who share
your political beliefs.


JamBoi: Jammy, The Sacred Cow Slayer
The Green Parties' #1 Blogger

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