[Sosfbay-discuss] Proposal to Co-Sponsor Iraq Labor Leader Tour June 10

MKmusic03 at aol.com MKmusic03 at aol.com
Thu May 3 01:54:34 PDT 2007

Hi All,

Regarding the Iraq Labor Leader Tout:
At the County Council meeting we agreed to propose that GPSCC co-sponsor this 
tour.  Co-sponsorship entails a donation and mobilizing our members to attend 
the event.  We are proposing that we donate $50.00. I will make this proposal 
at our Thursday meeting.  The Major co-sponsors are the Central Labor Council 
and South Bay Mobilization, both are donating at least $500.00. 


The following is a letter from US. Labor Against War regarding the Tour:

Dear Sisters and Brothers:

News from and about Iraq floods the airwaves and commercial press on 
which most Americans depend to learn what is happening there, yet we 
know almost nothing about what the Iraqi people think and experience.  
We hear pundits, politicians, generals and professional journalists 
about suicide bombers, armed militias, military operations, political 
infighting and sectarian divisions - but the voices of Iraq's working 
people are never heard.  The reality of their lives is 'missing in 
action' from the corporate media.  

At this crucial juncture in the struggle to end the occupation and war 
in Iraq, we have a rare opportunity to hear those missing voices right 
here in our community.  U.S. Labor Against the War is once again 
planning to bring Iraqi labor leaders to the U.S., between approximately 
June 6 - 23, 2007.  They are Faleh Abood Umara, General Secretary of the 
Federation of Oil Workers, and Hashemeya Mohsen al Hussein, President of 
the Electrical Utility Workers union.  They will speak about the 
situation in Iraq today - how workers cope with the occupation and civil 
war - the effort through U.S. imposition of a new Oil Law to hijack 
control over Iraqi oil - and the prospects for ending the conflict and 
allowing Iraqis to chart their own future free of foreign domination, 
sectarian divide, and regional rivalries.

As the first woman to lead a major Iraqi union, as an electrical worker 
and a mother, Hashemeya is especially knowledgeable about the utility 
industry and provision of basic services, the status of reconstruction, 
the situation of unions, and the conditions facing families.  Faleh is a 
co-founder and leader of the union of oil workers who was one of six 
trade union leaders to visit the U.S. under USLAW auspices in 2005.  He 
visited the Bay Area then as part of a 25-city national tour.  Faleh 
will report on the status of the proposed Oil Law and its meaning for 
the workers and people of Iraq.  He will discuss how the labor movement 
is faring under circumstances where they still do not have the legal 
right to organize, their bank accounts have been frozen, union offices 
continue to be raided, and union leaders continue to be the target of 
violent assaults and assassinations.  Together they will discuss what 
would be likely to happen if the occupation ended, and also what is 
likely to happen if it does not.  They will report on the prospects for 
establishing a government dedicated to the people's interests, one that 
will respect labor and human rights, one free of sectarian and regional 
division, committed to a democratic future for Iraq.

During their stay in the U.S., Faleh and Hashemeya will meet with 
members of Congress, leaders of the U.S. labor movement, and interested 
union members, antiwar activists and community members.  Whether they 
come to the Bay Area depends entirely on our being able to raise the 
funds in advance to underwrite their U.S. visit.  We seek co-sponsorship 
and endorsement of the Bay Area portion of their tour by local labor 
unions, peace and social justice groups, and women's organizations.   
Co-sponsorship involves a commitment to raise and contribute funds, 
participate in planning events, helping with publicity, promotion and 
outreach, and help in securing appropriate venues.   In addition to 
their costs of travel, we also want to raise additional funds we can 
contribute to their organizations to support their work.  

*Please indicate your interest in helping to plan the Bay Area leg of 
their national tour, and the prospects for sponsorship or endorsement by 
your organization. ** *

*Funds are urgently needed to assure this tour can take place.  **Time 
for raising the funds and planning events is very short**.  If you 
and/or your organization are prepared to make a financial contribution, 
please let us know, even if you are not prepared to work on the details 
of the tour. ** *

*We are suggesting several levels of financial support:  Benefactor, 
$500 +,  Champion $250 - $499,  and Donor, $100 - $249, but  please be 
aware, we honor and appreciate **all** levels of support from both 
individuals and organizations. ** *

*Checks should be made payable to the USLAW Iraq Labor Solidarity Fund.  
Send contributions to USLAW Iraq Labor Solidarity Tour, 1718 M Street, 
NW, #153, Washington, DC, 20036. ** *

*Time is very short.  The need is urgent.  Please respond as soon as you 
can to let us know whether we can count on your organization's or your 
personal support. ** *

The tour locally will be coordinated by the Bay Area Labor Committee for 
Peace & Justice.

Yours in solidarity for LC4PJ and USLAW,

Michael Eisenscher
National Coordinator

Bay Area Tour Coordinator is Mary Prophet
mlprophet at earthlink.net <mailto:mlprophet at earthlink.net>
(510) 527-1222

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