[Sosfbay-discuss] [SPAM] Re: Roy declares his candidacy for the CC!/General SVR CC Rep Issues

Wes Rolley wrolley at charter.net
Tue May 29 21:22:07 PDT 2007

WB4D23 at aol.com wrote:
In the last couple of days, Warner has provided several posts regarding 
the manner in which we choose our Regional Reps and their Alternates. It 
is my personal opinion that there are four points to be made and 
Warner's points 1 and 2 below are the most important.

I think that more than a few do not realize just how time and energy 
consuming work for the party really is. Just as important, you lose a 
lot of your ability to schedule you own time. The result is often not 
being able to accomplish any of the jobs as well as one wants.

There is one person who is a Regional Rep, CC Lisison for one Working 
Group, CoCo of another Working Group and a member of at least one other 
standing committee. They must spend all of their time on conference 
calls. There is a lot of work that does not get done.

The third point is that these bylaws issues never seem to be important 
enough to take care of. I mean we gotta go table here, protest there, 
gather across the way. But, in the end, they are very easy to deal with 
and would make this all work a lot better if we just did it.

The 4th point is that, in the current popular culture, the first place 
people look to understand what an organization is all about is their web 
site. I know that it is difficult to get people to work on it. It is 
time consuming and everyone wants to have a say in what it does. So, it 
does not get done and when people look at it, see that nothing has 
happened since 2004, or 5, or 6, then they understand something about 
the way the organization operates... not not.

Warner's proposal make sense. Just do it.
> We did not have a regional caucus at the SF plenary. Both Jo and Jim 
> have expressed the intention to resign as CC Rep and Alternate, 
> respectively, for our Silicon Valley Region. So... for anyone 
> interested in becoming CC Rep or Alternate... and for all of us, consider:
> 1. Do you have an understanding of your responsibilites as CC Rep or 
> Alt? What is your background in the GP or other organizations that is 
> the basis for this? (E.g., email list and telephone conference 
> participation; participating in CC committees and GPCA Standing 
> Committees and Working Groups; Communcating with both County GPs in 
> the region; Etc.)
> 2. Do you have the time and energies to fulfill those responsibilities?
> 3. Ongoing appointment process issues: For years there has been a 
> proposal for both county GPs to adopt Bylaws that would allow us to 
> appoint our CC Rep outside of a plenary meeting. The closest we have 
> come to getting this done is an informal understanding that both 
> County GPs will approve volunteers and they will be formally appointed 
> by a regional caucus at the next plenary. The informal agreement is 
> that we will try to have the CC Rep from one county and the alternate 
> from the other. We could "opt out" of the need for a plenary caucus if 
> folks would get focused enough to amend the bylaws for each county party.

"I find I have a great lot to learn – or unlearn. I seem to know far too much and this knowledge obscures the really significant facts, but I am getting on." -- Charles Rennie Mackintosh

Wesley C. Rolley
17211 Quail Court
Morgan Hill, CA 95037

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