[Sosfbay-discuss] Idea for holiday social: Dec 15th Jared Ball for Prez gathering

Wes Rolley wrolley at charter.net
Thu Nov 15 19:59:22 PST 2007

Drew Johnson wrote:
> How about we do a December 15th Jared Ball for Prez social at the Smoke
> Tiki???  Dr. Ball is a very hip African American PHd.  Here's his info
> from Wes' previous posting:
Since this was the only response that I got, I will do the follow up 
tomorrow and find out what is available, costs, etc.

Does anyone know how many we might expect there if we did set up an 
event?  Is there any way to get a count?

Since this venue was recommended, and I have never been there, was the 
intention to make this an open meeting with a public announcement?  In 
that case, maybe we need to go to KDON 102.5 for the announcement.

"Anytime you have an opportunity to make things better and you don't, then you are wasting your time on this Earth" Roberto Clemente

Wes Rolley
17211 Quail Court, Morgan Hill, CA 95037
http://www.refpub.com/ -- Tel: 408.778.3024

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