[Sosfbay-discuss] Bylaw proposal for Regional Representatives Election

Drew Johnson JamBoi at Greens.org
Thu Nov 29 11:44:59 PST 2007

Here's another try on harmonizing our bylaw's style and Warner and
Jonathan Lundell's proposed alternative election process for Regional
Representatives.  Please send your comments.

The only significant question I have is about the the stipulation in 9.5
that if the counties come to different decisions we would retake the
decision until agreement is reached. I guess my question is whether we
would want to delegate to the County Councils the ability to sort it out
since otherwise it could potentially stretch out the process for some
months given the requirement to have additional RR Election Meetings until
agreement is reached.

Green is Life!

Drew Johnson
GP of Santa Clara Co Councilor



9.0   Definitions in GPCA bylaws
Regional Representation on the GPCA Coordinating
Committee is defined by the GPCA bylaws, sections 6, 7
and elsewhere.  This bylaws article constitutes an
alternative election process as provided for in the GPCA
bylaws section 7-1.5.

9.1 RR Election Meeting
    The terms ‘RR Candidate Presentation Meeting'
and ‘RR Election Meeting‘ in these bylaws shall be
qualified only if the following requirements are met:
    1) the election is authorized and called by the
County Council
    2) the meeting is open to all county party Members
and all Members present can vote in the election,
    3) the election has been publicly announced on
county party email lists at least 15 days in advance of
the election meeting
    4) where the RR Election is a preannounced agenda
item for the meeting.

9.2 Declaring Candidacy
     Candidates shall declare their candidacy on
the email lists of the counties of the region
prior to the RR Candidate Presentation Meetings at
which a vacancy or replacement is considered.  Note also
that the state bylaws stipulate that N.O.C. (“No Other
Candidate”, AKA "None of the Above") shall be considered
an acceptable candidate.

9.3  RR Candidate Presentation Meeting
     The RR Candidate Presentation Meeting agenda item
will include time for the candidates to present
themselves in person to describe their qualifications,
goals, and to answer questions.

9.4 RR Election Meeting
     Election of a representative will be a decision
item at a qualified RR Election Meeting that follows
the RR Candidate Presentation Meeting.

9.5 Regional Coordination
     A candidate must be approved by all of the
county parties of the region.  If different candidates
are approved by the county parties the decision(s)
shall be retaken by the county parties until agreement
on candidates between the county parties is reached.

9.6 Representational Balance in the Region
     It shall be an objective to have the Regional
Representative and the first Alternate Regional
representative be from different counties
wherever possible.

9.7 Replacement or Recall
     A Regional Representative or an Alternate
Regional Representative may be replaced or recalled
using the same process for election described here.

9.8 Effective Date
    This amendment, Article 9 of the by-laws shall
take effect on its date of passage in substatially
the same form by all county parties in the region.
Upon adoption, the County Council from each county
party shall separately and independently
notify the GPCA of their bylaws amendments adding
this alternative election process to the default
procedures provided by the state Green Party Bylaws.

9.9 Expiration of Article 9
     This article 9 detailing the selection of
regional representatives to the GPCA Coordinating
Committee shall expire if a county party in the region
rescinds it, or if the region is redefined and a new
county parties added to the region decides not to
adopt this bylaw.

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