[Sosfbay-discuss] Iran Attack Resolution - draft #1

Gerry Gras gerrygras at earthlink.net
Wed Oct 3 15:59:16 PDT 2007

Here is the first draft of a proposed resolution about
a possible attack on Iran.  It is essentially a copy
of the first resolution on this page:



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Resolution Opposing U.S. Military Involvement in Iran

WHEREAS, Unsubstantiated U.S. accusations about Iran's nuclear program 
and its involvement in the violence in Iraq have led to threats from 
U.S. officials to attack Iran;

WHEREAS, The Bush Administration, following the same strategy that led 
to the disastrous invasion and occupation of Iraq, has engaged in a 
campaign to demonize Iran using biased sources, exaggerated threat 
assessments and cherry picking of information;

WHEREAS, A U.S. strike on Iran, especially with the nuclear 
"bunker-buster" bombs being contemplated, would be deadly for tens or 
hundreds of thousands of Iranians, and would violate the 
Non-Proliferation Treaty (NPT) and the UN Charter;

WHEREAS, According to the estimates of Western intelligence agencies, 
Iran is years away from having a usable nuclear weapon, if indeed it is 
seeking one;

WHEREAS, Iran has not invaded or attacked any country for hundreds of 
years and has not threatened to attack the U.S;

WHEREAS, Iran is a signatory to the Non-Proliferation Treaty and Iran's 
nuclear power program, including enriching uranium, is legal under the NPT;

WHEREAS, A U.S. attack on Iran would unite Iranians-even internal 
critics--behind their government, turn the Iranian people against the 
United States, and invite retaliation against our troops in Iraq and 
elsewhere in the Middle East;

WHEREAS, Comprehensive direct diplomatic talks between the US and Iran, 
with no pre-conditions, would likely result in improved relations 
between our nations;

WHEREAS, Exacerbating tensions with Iran could obstruct efforts to 
cooperate with Iran over ending violence in Iraq and delay the 
withdrawal of U.S. forces from Iraq;


     * Prohibit the use of funds to carry out any military action 
against Iran without explicit Congressional authorization,

     * Ensure that our relations with Iran are consistent with 
international law;

     * Encourage talks, without pre-conditions, between the US and Iran 
on nuclear issues and ending the violence in Iraq.

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