[Sosfbay-discuss] Andrea's Status Improving...

Andrea Dorey andid at cagreens.org
Tue Sep 18 15:25:33 PDT 2007

She's baaaaack (almost)!
Next week I get to drive!
I lost 13 pounds (a good thing for the joints) and I am bending the  
knee well, with more work needed on straightening of the knee.

New exercise assignment from the handsome Dr Hartford:  Hold down  
knee joint flat against the floor for at least 30 seconds, then  
release - do this twice a day!  The first push to the floor doesn't  
hurt, but the hold down after about 10 seconds begins to burn.  Yup,  
that's the idea!  "Feel that stretch," he says with a grin.  Fiendish  

As he left the exam room, his last words to me were, "You're doing  
great!" and with a last wink, "You're looking great!!"  I am soooo  
inspired (sigh)!

This week I am in Pacifica and due to have three visits from the  
Christmas spirits of good knee therapy, starting today.  If I am a  
very good girl and do my exercises as prescribed by the therapist- 
spirit, I will be allowed the freedom to begin to drive next week,  
with caution.

So I wish I could be there at the movie night, but I'm just not going  
to quite make it.  I know Rob will do a great job.

Hey, think about why electric cars have been actively opposed, and  
even seem to have been treated like a threat to the ICE (internal  
combustion engine) industry—  especially now that Tesla's fantastic  
Roadster has put the lie to most of their arguments against the  
electric car.   I'd be interested in what reasons you come up with.

Best wishes to all,

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