[Sosfbay-discuss] Fwd: do this from CA: Help another state with ballot access

Drew Johnson JamBoi at Greens.org
Fri Sep 21 14:31:35 PDT 2007

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [G-C-F] do this from CA: Help another state with ballot access
From:    "Lisa Taylor" <Lisa at losangelesgreens.org>
Date:    Fri, September 21, 2007 14:11
To:      gplac-forum at cagreens.org
         "GCF" <cal-forum at marla.cagreens.org>

Arkansas Ballot Access Project: 15-20 volunteers needed ASAP

you don't have to be in AK,

 >We need people who are at least moderately familiar with Microsoft

 >Access. There was no other common software which could be used to pull

 >this off.

 >To: ballot-access at lists.gp-us.org

 >From: Phil Huckelberry <phil.huckelberry at gmail.com>

 >Subject: Arkansas Project: 15-20 volunteers needed ASAP


 >Please forward this message to state and local lists as you deem


 >We are currently looking for 15-20 people who can devote a chunk of
time -

 >perhaps an hour two - in the next couple of days to assist in the

 >concluding days of the Arkansas ballot drive. If people are capable of

 >devoting even more time, that would be even better.


 >Volunteers will be given a web address with a login and a password,

 >will be assigned one of a number of 5-page PDF files. Each page

 >up to 20 signatures from the Arkansas ballot drive. Volunteers will

 >download the PDFs, look at the cities where the signatures were

 >and then download Microsoft Access files containing portions of the

 >rolls for the State of Arkansas, so that they can attempt to verify



 >A signature is verified if you can match three out of four fields
to the

 >voter rolls - name, address, city, and date of birth. The voter
rolls are

 >broken down so that the 12 largest cities in the state are all

 >files, and then the rest of the cities are divided alphabetically into

 >eight other files. The voter rolls break addresses down into street

 >number, street name, and street type. Often the best bet is to sort

 >list by City, Last Name, First Name, Street Address. For each of
the five

 >sheets, the volunteer will simply return the number of signatures
on the

 >page (usually 20, sometimes 19, sometimes less), and the number of

 >signatures which were verified.


 >We need people who are at least moderately familiar with Microsoft

 >Access. There was no other common software which could be used to pull

 >this off.


 >I need volunteers to commit to being able to download their PDF and

 >up with results for each of their sheets within about 24-36 hours of

 >emailing me back. I want to have this project completely knocked
out on



 >More information about the Arkansas ballot drive is included below for

 >everyone's reference. Please email me at this address -

 >phil.huckelberry at gmail.com - if you are interested in
participating. Let

 >me know how much time you think you can offer, and also let me know
if you

 >have extensive database experience such that you think you will be
able to

 >work more quickly than most people; then I might assign you 2 PDF

 >instead of one.


 >Our hope is that if this is successful it can turn into a model for

 >other drives might be assisted by out of state volunteers. By

 >awareness and activity in ballot drives across the country,
hopefully this

 >can in turn lead to greater fundraising for ballot access efforts
and also

 >to bringing some creative minds into our vital ballot access work to

 >assist with efforts like this. Our extensive database work in Illinois

 >protected our petitioning effort in 2006. We expect similar attacks

 >the Democrats in 2008 - and if we can come together like this, we
will be

 >ready to fend those attacks off.


 >Phil Huckelberry

 >Co-Chair, Green Party of the United States

 >Co-Chair, GPUS Ballot Access Committee

 >phil.huckelberry at gmail.com>



 >[the following is part of a message which was originally sent out on

 >Tuesday, September 18]


 >The Green Party of Arkansas is currently nearing the end of a 60 day

 >ballot drive. Arkansas is a "floating window" state and they chose to

 >start their drive very early - late July 2007 - because the enhanced

 >availability of professional petitioners. The drive wraps up next

 >week. It seems like they are on pace.


 >To help ensure this, though, they have a critical need for out-of-

 >help to support their efforts. They are looking to have a number of

 >petition sheets examined for validity. They need 10,000 valid

 >and are operating under the assumption that 16,000 raw signatures will

 >make them safe, but they would like to know if validity rates are

 >below 67% and whether they might then need to scurry to collect an

 >thousand signatures in the next week.


 >To this end, we have acquired the list of registered voters from
the State

 >of Arkansas, and I have had Mark Swaney and Mark Jenkins send me
copies of

 >some of their petition sheets. The voter list, cleaned up and then

 >down into multiple Microsoft Access files (large cities get their own

 >files and the remainder of the rolls are broken down alphabetically),

 >along with scans of 67 petition sheets, have been uploaded to a
secure web


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