[Sosfbay-discuss] 10 months vs ten years

Jim Doyle j.m.doyle at sbcglobal.net
Wed Feb 27 21:34:55 PST 2008

Ed Chow has a very good point when he asks or points out
with Nader we are thinking ten months instead of ten years.

So what is the target date for achieving first of all the 5% of the vote
in order to receive some federal funding?

Which candidate gets us there first?
Which candidate will increase the number of registered Greens?

I remember an article on the Illinois Greens thzat was in the Green Pages
in which their explanation of how it was done to achieve 10% of the vote
included organize early, learn from past mistakes and perhaps a few 
other details ...
ah yes, the organize early included having your precinct walkers or 
workers in place
well before the election date.

I received an email from the Nader team that indicates they could very 
well be
working along those lines.

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