[Sosfbay-discuss] "Boycotting" on the Agenda

Fred Duperrault fredd at freeshell.org
Tue Jan 29 12:39:13 PST 2008

Let's put "Boycotting" on the Feb. 7th Agenda.

One good tool to make some inroads to corporate America's ear and mind 
is by building successful boycotts.

The Green Party, the Peace and Freedom Party, the labor parties, the 
organized Democratic Progressives, certain unions, and NGOs like 
Rainforest Action, Global Exchange, ACLU, Acterra, the Sierra Club and 
others, could, if they made the effort to coalesce, generate some 
effective power.

GE, GM, Ford, GF, Proctor and Gamble, particular oil companies, Safeway, 
Kroger, Coca- Cola, the TV networks, Campbells, Del Monte, to name a 
few, could all be on a boycott list for various reasons.

A huge coalition representing millions of consumers could raise some hell.

Fred D.

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