[Sosfbay-discuss] meeting agenda topics

Jim Doyle j.m.doyle at sbcglobal.net
Wed Jul 30 21:34:35 PDT 2008

Here a reminder about agenda topics for our next monthly meeting:
(the original came from Warner)

The next GPCA state meeting will be held Saturday-Sunday  August 23-24 at
Dana Point (southern coastal Orange County).  The draft  agenda includes 
a number
of items, including proposed GPCA Platform  additions.  The Plenary will 
consider November 2008 ballot  measures. 

Our position on these ballot measures needs to be established.

Under our monthly general meeting schedule, our only meeting  before the
Plenary will be August 6th (first Wednesday). 

At that meeting  we will need to affirm delegates and alternates to the 
decide how to  deal with instructions to those delegates. 

We also have outstanding issues  regarding recruiting and affirming a 
new GPCA
Coordinating Committee member and  alternate (in coordination with the 
San Mateo
County GP).   Warner

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