[Sosfbay-discuss] FW: FEC matching funds for Green Presidential Candidates

Drew Johnson JamBoi at Greens.org
Wed Jun 11 18:53:53 PDT 2008

---------------------------- Original Message ----------------------------
Subject: [usgp-media] FEC matching funds for Green Presidential Candidates
From:    "Green Party of the United States" <office at gp.org>
Date:    Tue, June 10, 2008 20:40
To:      usgp-media at lists.gp-us.org

Act today for a Green Future

Dear Supporter:

We need YOUR help for our Green Presidential candidates to receive primary
matching funds from the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) in 2008.  In
order to receive primary matching funds, a candidate must raise a minimum
of $5,000 each from at least 20 states before the Green Party makes its
Presidential nomination on July 12.  Candidates raising the money needed
will be eligible to apply for $100,000 in Federal Matching Funds. This
money can be used to help the Green Party succeed in its Presidential
petition drives.

So far, donations from Greens all across the country have been vital in
getting us on the ballot in Arkansas, Arizona, and Hawaii!  Arizona was a
particularly difficult state; we needed 20,449 valid signatures to get on
the ballot.  With generous donations of money and volunteer time, the
Green Party of Arizona was able to collect 22,570 valid signatures!

Over the next two to three months, we have the chance to get our
Presidential nominee on the ballot in as many as 46 states.  Your
donations to our candidates will help us with challenging petition drives
in Connecticut (7,500 signatures), Idaho (5,984 signatures), Kansas (5,000
signatures), New York (15,000 signatures), Pennsylvania (24,666
signatures), and Virginia (10,000 signatures).

Every $1 that we can put into our petition drives gets us one signature
closer to getting on the ballot.  If everyone on the Green Line mailing
list gives as little as $5 to each candidate, all four candidates could
receive matching funds!   We could have as much as $400,000 to get on the
ballot and give the American people the chance to vote to bring all troops
home from Iraq, to fight global warming, and to provide health care for
all.  The sooner that our candidates raise the money needed the sooner
that they will get matching funds from the FEC, and the more time we will
have to run strong petition drives.  Read more about our Presidential
candidates and visit their websites to make a donation.

Meet our candidates:

Jesse Johnson is the co-chair of the Mountain Party of West Virginia,
which became affiliated with the Green Party of the United States at the
national meeting in Reading last July. He produced, directed, and acted in
many plays and films, and founded Talkback, Children Respond to Violence
in the Media, which uses the arts to teach inner-city elementary school
students how to combat violence. He was the Mountain Party's candidate for
Governor in 2004, and for U.S. Senate in 2006.  http://www.jesse08.org/

Cynthia McKinney was elected to the Georgia state legislature as a
Democrat in 1988, and to Congress in 1992. She was the first
African-American woman from Georgia in the U.S. House of Representatives,
serving in Congress from 1993 to 2003, and from 2005 to 2007. She filed
the first resolution to impeach Bush, Cheney and Rice; has pursued
meaningful answers on 9-11; has advocated for those displaced by our
government in the wake of Hurricane Katrina and for the millions of voters
disenfranchised in both the 2000 and 2004 elections. Last year, she left
the Democratic Party and registered as a Green.

Kent Mesplay has been a registered Green in California since 1995, serving
as one of his state's delegates to the Green National Committee since
2004.  He has worked as a substitute teacher and an Air Quality Inspector
at the Air Pollution Control District, San Diego. He also served as the
president of Turtle Island Institute. In 2004, he ran in the Green
presidential primaries and caucuses,
and in 2006, in the Green primary for U.S. Senate. http://www.mesplay.org/

Kat Swift is a member of the Green Party of Texas, having served on her
state party's Executive Committee, and as co-spokesperson for the national
party's Women's Caucus.  She has served as a facilitator for the Green
Party and for several other organizations, groups, and coalitions,
including Clean Money San Antonio and SA Democracy Now. She currently
works as an accountant. In 2007, she became the first Green to run for the
City Council of San Antonio. http://www.voteswift.org/

The future of the Green Party is in your hands. If you want to see a
powerful and progressive Green Party for years to come, please act today.
We must be the change we want to see.

Become a Green Party Doner Today!

Email: office at gp.org
Green Party of the United States
PO Box 57065 Washington, D.C. 20037  202-319-7191 or toll-free (US):
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