[Sosfbay-discuss] Open Question

Wes Rolley wrolley at charter.net
Wed Mar 5 08:43:18 PST 2008

In an email to the National Committee today, GP Media Committee CoChair 
Scott McLarty questioned the number of "down ticket" races that we have 
in a presidential year. 

Actually, we have a few here in CA for Congress and I think one for 
Mayor of San Diego, but I have not yet heard of any GPCA member running 
for either the Assembly or State Senate.  Nor do I see any Greens 
running for County Supervisor in California.

While Greens talk a lot about Grassroots Democracy, there does not seem 
to be a great deal of interest in actually functioning at the 
grassroots.  Does anyone have a better idea about why this is than I do? 

I have the feeling that it is a reflection of the motivation for people 
to join the Green Party, the issues that drive that (e.g. peace). 

Is the real question one of how we can build the superstructure of a 
party when there is no foundation?

"Anytime you have an opportunity to make things better and you don't, then you are wasting your time on this Earth" Roberto Clemente

Wes Rolley
17211 Quail Court, Morgan Hill, CA 95037
http://www.refpub.com/ -- Tel: 408.778.3024

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