[Sosfbay-discuss] Fw: Together, we can make history - help the Green Party get on the ballot in all states.

j.m.doyle at sbcglobal.net j.m.doyle at sbcglobal.net
Thu Mar 13 20:59:57 PDT 2008

----- Original Message ----- 
From: Green Party of the United States 
To: jimd at greens.org 
Sent: Wednesday, March 12, 2008 8:03 PM
Subject: Together, we can make history - help the Green Party get on the ballot in all states.

                  Back to GP.org

                  Together, We Can Make History! 
                  What will the American voter face at the polls this November: the same two choices they've been faced with for decades -or something new? Will they be able to choose Green? The answer depends on you. 

                  The Green Party plans to run 1,000 candidates, from the municipal to federal level this year - more Green Candidates than ever before. Our Ballot Access Committee is working with state Green Parties to make sure the voters can vote Green on their ballot in all 51 states this year. But we need your help to make it a success. 

                  We've already shown remarkable success! Last Thursday, the Green Party of Arizona turned in almost 30,000 signatures, far more than needed, to make sure the Green Party will appear on the ballot this fall. This success was possible because of significant financial support from the national Green Party, plus direct donations and tremendous volunteer assistance from Greens across the United States. 

                  "With just 3 or 4 weeks to go and only 13,000 signatures in hand, I thought we were doomed to failure!" said Richard Scott, Co-Chair Arizona Ballot Access Committee. "But it was the cooperative efforts of Greens from all over the country both in raising money and in traveling to Arizona to help collect signatures that put us over the top!" said Scott. "I can't thank all the helpers and contributors enough. We will remember this in Arizona and we will be more than willing to help the next state with their ballot drive. This shows just what we can do when we pull together." 

                  The success of the Arizona drive provides a model for supporting other drives. Texas and Virginia are our next. With your help, we can do it! Your donation will go towards financial support for state green parties trying to secure ballot lines in 2008 and supporting the goal of running 1,000 Green Party candidates across the United States in 2008. 

                  In order to do this, we need to raise money. Half of the money raised will go directly to Ballot Access campaigns and half to support the general fund. The general fund is what keeps the Green Party's doors open, and is also the source of funding for the Coordinated Campaign Committee (CCC). The CCC provides support for Green candidates nationally through campaign schools, candidate trainings, and financial and material support to Green Campaigns. Both the general fund and ballot access fund need to be increased in order to make securing ballot lines and supporting the candidates running on those lines possible.

                  We can't do this without your help. Here's what you can do right now:

                  1. Donate Today

                  2. Spread the Word & Let everyone know about this historic struggle.

                  3. Volunteer to help with ballot access today.

                  4. And, click the link if you aren't already signed up for GreenLine and Action Alerts from the Green Party.

                  The American public deserves the right to Vote Green this November. The success of Arizona proves that we can make this a reality when we work together. Please help us right now by clicking the donate button below.

                   How Green is Your Ballot? 

                  office at gp.org
                  Office: PO Box 57065 Washington, D.C. 20037 202-319-7191 or toll-free (US): 866-41GREEN 
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