[Sosfbay-discuss] DWF GOOD GOVERNMENT Event, March 30

Fred Duperrault fredd at freeshell.org
Thu Mar 20 11:21:39 PDT 2008

Dear Santa Clara County Greens,

Much good discussion regarding "A Sustainable Global Environment"
is happening throughout the country.

There is very little discussion on "A Sustainable Global Peace,"

In ten days, anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan will be speaking on
the subject in the San Francisco Veterans War Memorial Building.

YOU ARE INVITED TO ATTEND:  The Democratic World Federalists (DWF)
Annual GOOD GOVERNMENT Luncheon -  Speech

WHEN: March 30, 2008; 11:30 am - 2:00 pm

WHERE: S.F. Veterans War Memorial Bldg. 401 Van Ness Ave, (at McAllister
St.), San Francisco, CA 94102

The GUEST SPEAKER:  Cindy Sheehan, Gold Star Mother,  anti-war icon, and
candidate for  U.S. House of Representatives, speaking on, "Can we
attain sustainable global peace?" at 12:45 pm.

MUSIC & ENTERTAINMENT: by "Annie & the Vets," at 12 Noon

COSPONSORS & HOSTS:  VFP Chapter 69 and the Bob Basker American Legion
Post 315

LUNCHEON BUFFET & PROGRAM:  11:30 am - 12 :30 pm -  $18.00
DESSERT, BEVERAGE & PROGRAM: 12:00 Noon - 12:45 pm - $7.00
PROGRAM: 12:45 - 2:00 pm.

RESERVATIONS:  Call DWF at 415-227-4880;   Email  dwfed at dwfed.org  ;  or
Mail to DWF, 55 New Montgomery St., Suite 225, San Francisco, CA 94105, 
by March 25. (Same day-at door luncheon registration depends on 
availability.)  Write checks to  DWF.  Listing names of each luncheon 
attendee, addresses andphone numbers will be helpful.

In the spirit of peace, justice and open discussion,

Fred Duperrault,  GPSCC Member

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