[Sosfbay-discuss] So Much For Our 'Conversation' About Race

Tian Harter tnharter at aceweb.com
Fri May 2 12:52:32 PDT 2008

I tried to post this comment, but it won't let me for some reason:

I saw some footage of Rev. Wright on the PBS News Hour. He briefly
mentioned something to the effect that "we deserved 9/11." (I'm
paraphrasing) He also said something like "I speak for the Black Church,
not Barak Obama."  His words got me thinking "At least this is an
American voice speaking for a decentralized institution." A big
improvement on the Pope in Rome speaking for the Catholic-Americans.
Then I thought "nobody else on the campaign trail is saying that."
Hillary and McCain are pandering with talk of a gas tax holiday.
I'm liking Barak's entourage more and more, even if he is spineless
enough to disown them for speaking truth to power.

"In California, we say don't wait for Washington, because Washington is
asleep at the wheel" Governor Schwarzenegger on climate change progress.

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