[Sosfbay-discuss] Election night party?

Tian Harter tnharter at aceweb.com
Thu May 8 12:22:58 PDT 2008

Hello Y'all,

I'm thinking "we need an election night party". It's been many years 
since we had a County Council election on the ballot, and I don't 
remember one as contested as this one. We should celebrate.

I'm willing to host it at my place, nothing fancy, but with piped in 
results so we can know who has to "serve" for two years.

Anyhow, I need some "I'll be there" type buy ins to go for it. Let me
know if you're interested. If I get enough response I'll reserve the

5/6: I spent a few hours papering downtown Mountain View
with Bike To Work Day posters. That's coming up on 5/15/08!

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