[Sosfbay-discuss] Election night party?

Drew Johnson JamBoi at Greens.org
Thu May 8 18:16:48 PDT 2008

Great idea Tian!  I'll be there.  I'm STILL hearing great things about
your last party from our first primary this year. :-)

Green is Party!


On Thu, May 8, 2008 12:22, Tian Harter wrote:
> Hello Y'all,
> I'm thinking "we need an election night party". It's been many years
> since we had a County Council election on the ballot, and I don't
> remember one as contested as this one. We should celebrate.
> I'm willing to host it at my place, nothing fancy, but with piped in
> results so we can know who has to "serve" for two years.
> Anyhow, I need some "I'll be there" type buy ins to go for it. Let me
> know if you're interested. If I get enough response I'll reserve the
> room.
> --
> Tian
> http://tian.greens.org
> 5/6: I spent a few hours papering downtown Mountain View
> with Bike To Work Day posters. That's coming up on 5/15/08!
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