[Sosfbay-discuss] Greens focus on electing Malik Rahim, La. candidate for US House on Dec. 6

Drew Johnson JamBoi at Greens.org
Mon Nov 17 13:27:35 PST 2008

Thing is Greens need to stop looking to 'them' or 'they' to do anything
for us.  There ain't no 'them'.  The Green party is us -- its you!  This
is an entirely DIY (do it yourself) network organization.  There are only
something like 5 people payed (part time) to work for the Green Party of
the United States and 1 for the GPCA, so nobody should expect that there
is someone 'out there' that is going to handle much of anything for the
party.  This is true both locally, on the state level and the national
level.  In some other nations the Green Party situation is substantially
different, but this is the way it is in the U.S. right now.  If we can
start to work more effectively using our networking skills and learn to
raise resources (including money) to employ on our campaigns we can alter
this situation.  Please participate in the newly formed Green 527,
http://GreenChange.org to be a party of making this change happen.

Green is Change!


On Mon, November 17, 2008 11:58, Wes Rolley wrote:
> Gerry Gras wrote:
>> I wish they had sent this notice out sooner, it is only
>> 19 days until the election.
> Some of us were trying to raise a little ruckus.
> http://cagreening.blogspot.com/2008/11/one-more-chance-to-change-america.html
> Wes
> --
> "Anytime you have an opportunity to make things better and you don't, then
> you are wasting your time on this Earth" Roberto Clemente
> Wes Rolley

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