[Sosfbay-discuss] holiday peace fair

Jim Doyle j.m.doyle at sbcglobal.net
Thu Oct 15 15:25:53 PDT 2009

*The NEXT Holiday Peace Fair planning meeting will be Saturday 10/24 at 
10 AM at the Campbell United Methodist Church, 1675 Winchester Blvd. 
(1/2 block south of Hamilton Avenue) in the Asbury Room -- to the left 
from the parking lot behind the church.*
Tickets and flyers will be available there and after that at the SJ 
Peace and Justice Center,*
*48 S. 7th Street (north of SJSU) -- open 4-7 PM, Monday - Friday*
*(final planning meeting will be Nov. 14 at 10 AM, probably at the church)*

*The 27th Annual Holiday Peace Fair will be held at the Campbell United 
Methodist Church, 1675 Winchester Blvd., Campbell, on Saturday, December 
5, 2009 from 10 AM to 4 PM*
*(Note one hour earlier opening time)

*1) proposal and agreement to increase ticket donation amount from $1 to 
$2 this year*
*2) increase the table prices to $40 for a full table and $20 for a 1 Ž 
2 table.
If the vendors provide their own tables with rubber tipped legs, the 
charges are $5 less *
*3) change in hours, with vendor groups able to begin their sales at 10 
AM instead of 11 AM.
Closing time remains the same at 4 PM*
The Low Income Self Help Center, was selected as the local beneficiary 
group for this year,
and Joan Bazar is checking on some of the possibilities for the 
international recipient,
including ANERA (Gaza), Middle East Children's Alliance, Haiti, 
International Solidarity
Movement (re Gaza work), etc. [Note: International Solidarity Movement 

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