[Sosfbay-discuss] Report on the 9/11 Film Festival

Carol Brouillet cbrouillet at igc.org
Tue Sep 22 09:15:34 PDT 2009

I know that I have been missing a lot of meetings, but I have felt a 
great amount of responsibility for the events of the Northern 
California 9/11 Truth Alliance, which I've been organizing.  I posted 
a report on our film festival 
at-   http://www.911blogger.com/node/21374 and one on my website at- 
http://www.communitycurrency.org/report2009ff.html. It's quite long 
with photos.Here are links to the press coverage of our events (plus 
the 2 major breaking 9/11 news stories that just came out).

Media Coverage of the events (so far):

No Lies Radio-
Archives of the live coverage of the speakers- 

Bonnie Faulkner interviews Eric Nadler on Guns and Butter-

SF Gate-
Truthers converge on Grand Lake Theater

Films about 9/11

9/11 Film Festival brings truthers to Grand Lake Theater

Up Close with moviegoers, filmmaker at 9/11 film festival

East Bay Express-
Critic's Choice- 5th Annual 9/11 Film Festival

An Inside Job
Members of the 9/11 "Truth" movement are typically disparaged as 
crackpots. In fact, they're actually wonks.

San Francisco Bay Guardian-
Alerts- 9/11 Film Festival

Remembering -- and forgetting -- 9/11

Breakthrough Coverage-

Silicon Valley Metro Cover Story-


Santa Barbara Independent Cover Story-


The hit pieces-

SF Weekly-
9/11 Truther Film Festival Brought To You By ... The San Francisco 
Bay Guardian?

Movie Night With the 9/11 Truthers -- Conspiracy Theories, Bad Music, 
and, Hey! Free Popcorn!

Versus: Who's Crazier -- Birthers or Truthers?

(David Ray Griffin and Peter Phillip's speeches have also been widely posted)
David's- http://www.globalresearch.ca/index.php?context=va&aid=15201
Peter's- http://www.911blogger.com/node/21317

Fox National News did phone me and tried to confirm that Van Jones 
was part of the original organizing committee to demand a 
congressional investigation of 9/11 back in January 2002.  I 
clarified that he had nothing to do with it- and that it was just a 
mistake of a right wing blogge connecting two separate articles about 
two separate events, but I think the intention of the attack on Van 
Jones was to scare all politicians into silence on the issue of 9/11, 
which is backfiring. 911Truth.org is getting more hits and support 
than ever, and more people are speaking out, and the official story 
is really almost officially dead.

Carol Brouillet

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